Where’s Your Mask? – IOTW Report

Where’s Your Mask?

h/t heloman

16 Comments on Where’s Your Mask?

  1. I live in SoCal. A very conservative part of Cal. folk around are free! We do not wear masks. We also fight for freedom. Gruesom hows this and pretends we are not here. But we are here and we are free! Free because we are ready to fight! As some of did in Rodney’s riots decades ago!
    deputies at station turn a blind eye at freedom fighters.
    Just like the cops in Austin did at the America haters !

    Fight and be free; or be a slave and mask!
    I have put my life on the line before (have the scars still); and will fight to be free. I want not to die; but i will not be a serf!

  2. They gave me a mask at the Respiratory Therapist the other day!

    Recycled air.
    Bunch of people with breathing problems – COPD, emphysema, cancer, &c.
    30 nm virus and 500 nm voids.
    I shook my head and told the Therapist this was REALLY stupid – and she agreed.
    Some kind of rule in Arkansas – pretty fuckin dumb – they even take your temperature when you go in! Like I went to the Pulmonology clinic for lunch, or something! Fuckin SICK people go to doctors! Ain’t that how it’s sposed to work?

    The Solar System is going through some kind of cosmic cloud of stupidity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only time I wear a mask is when I go to see the Dr. for follow up visits after my foot surgery. I refuse to wear a mask when I’m out in public otherwise and besides I haven’t been exposed to any crud since I’ve been at home in self imposed exile until I can be cleared by my Dr. to go back to work as soon as possible. Fortunately I still have a job and my boss wants me to come back to work as well, he called me this past week to see if I needed anything, he’s a good man and I very much appreciate his patience while I am recovering.

  4. I’m with you Geoff. I’ve never worn a mask for more than 20 seconds since this political stunt began.

    I carry one in my pocket that says Trump 2020 and Jesus is my Savior on it. I would wear it in deference to an elderly veteran in my presence if they wished but none ever has.

    I was in my orthopedic’s office when the mask thing first began. Him and I were the only two people in the building defying Governor prikzter’s order.

    Since then I’ve been in physical therapy and I wear my mask on my wrist. Nobody has questioned me or asked me to wear it. I have had conversations with many people wearing them and have asked them how they expect to achieve herd immunity wearing that mask everywhere. I finish by telling them to enjoy the rebound they’re gonna catch next November.

  5. I have yet to wear a mask.

    Ok, I lied. I wear one when I mow the lawn. Been so dry here lately that the mower kicks up dust and other particulates. But that’s not for ChinaVirus!

    Several businesses that have just opened in the last week have signs that customers must wear masks. I don’t and no one has kicked me out.

    ONE business had someone sitting at the door handing out masks and I told her I didn’t want one. She said that I MUST wear one if I go inside. I looked at her and said, “I guess I won’t go inside, then.” as I turned to leave. My sister said, “We refuse to live in fear”. She joined me and we left.

    That felt so good. We are free and went to our favorite diner and spent our money there.

  6. Went for a doctors visit the other day. Guy at the door took my temp. and asked if I wanted a mask, I said, “No.”

    He said, “Well, I can’t make you wear one.”

    I looked down on his skinny little body and said, “No, you can’t.”

    Haven’t worn one and I AIN’T gonna!

  7. I haven’t been to a restaurant yet, but I’m sure the blue Nazis have an answer? But just how are you supposed to have dinner and have a mask on. They just opened up a few weeks back and I haven’t seen anybody in there wearing one as I’m driving around.
    Now I find out the government dictator is going to make everybody wear a mask in Oregon or you get a ticket.

  8. I went to a CostCo here in Toronto yesterday to buy some steaks. Oddly enough they probably have the best beef outside a butcher shop for a decent price then anywhere else. In any event, there was the obligatory line up outside where at the head of the line a security line was letting people in about 10 at a time. Once inside the first doors there was a little stand where a woman in a mask was frantically looking at me and tapping a sign in front of the table. She was requesting that all customers wear a mask which they were giving away for free. After a few taps/requests I asked her if can I shop without a mask and she shrugged. I went in and found about half the customers without masks. This helped with the pain of finding out that beef (at least the good stuff) was about 20% higher then it was six weeks ago. Same with chicken. I’ll bet they’ll be a lot of chest clutching come the July 1st holiday (July 4th for the southern cousins) when the Barbecue crowd go shopping.

  9. Our Costco mandates a mask, has enforcers going thru the store. So mask goes under nose, keeps glasses from fogging up. I tell the busy bodies this is the way Biden wears his. Good enough for Joe, good enough for me.

  10. hypothetical question-
    suppose a mask wearer is dining in a restaurant. How that is actually done, I don’t know, but- suppose again that another diner is choking on a piece of food. Would the mask wearer avoid performing the Heimlich maneuver because successfully doing so might endanger other diners? I think some of them would.


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