Which is Worse? – IOTW Report

Which is Worse?

h/t Doc.

22 Comments on Which is Worse?

  1. I got covered by those noxious nefarious nasty motherfuggin chegroes, today.

    EVERY one of them was a democrat. I killed every one of them. Except the ones I’ll find for the next 4 days. I’ll kill them, too.

  2. I would have covered myself in petrol, except my explicit bits, if it would have helped. That was pretty awful.

    Not really, they are just democrats.

    “Do you want to shoot some quail on Muckety Moor?”


    “No, sir, quail. (wink)”

    “Those sort of quail?”

    “Quite so.”

    “Have the dog boy bring my shot-guns, and my Drilling. And my shillelagh.”

  3. Used to get chiggers and red bugs (probably the same) frequently as a kid roaming the Georgia woods. But haven’t seen any in ages. Maybe an occasional tick when I forget the spray.

  4. Oregon Chiggers are way worse that anything else. Do NOT move to Oregon, if you don’t want to be eaten alive. Unless you live in Eugene, And everywhere else between there and Portland. Then you have to deal with some animals way wore than chiggers.

  5. When I lived in Panama City Beach, FL. the yellow flies come out in Spring.
    Bite the hell out of you.
    Nasty fuckers!
    Another time I was in Clearwater fishing off a jetty and a tiny bug took a chunk out of the top of my big toe.
    I still have the fucking scar!

  6. I find liberals are the most offensive nuisance anyone could possibly encounter.

    They are sneaky, they act amiable, they will promise peace and harmony while stabbing you in the back, they will piss in your dinner plate and tell you it’s raining, they demand total control and they are everywhere.

  7. Heah in the South, some of we natives love the sand gnats, even named a minor league team in Savannah after them.
    I’m pretty much impervious to them, and mosquitos, don’t know why, guess I taste nasty to them.
    Can you imagine, how deep we would be in Yankees, if they were not here.
    Willis Carrier made living in the South bearable, but you gotta stay inside, where you belong.
    Funny enough, Carrier, was a Yankee.
    Chiggers, I’m reminded of an incident long ago, back in my wild years, a buddy from Maine and I took some WWs(wild women) for a MC ride. Wound up in a field, on blankets, imagination here.
    The next day I visited the Mainer, he was in a tub of Clorox, covered in chigger bites, imagine his rage at the news, nope not a single one on me.
    I was down in Belize, fishing on a river bank. Native kept watching me, I was getting a little uncomfortable.
    He finally came over:
    “Deez bug, day don’t bite you?”
    “Yeah, but it doest help to scratch, besides they aren’t too bad. At home, they are way worse.”
    “Yeah, day worse here too.”
    He insisted I go have a cold beer with him, damndest thing I ever saw, they had a reefer that ran off kerosene.
    We were a long way from electricity.
    Told everybody in the bar, I was the first white man he ever saw, who didn’t scratch and run for cover.


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