While Iran shoots protesters, Europe schemes to enrich the murderers – IOTW Report

While Iran shoots protesters, Europe schemes to enrich the murderers

Geller Report:

Tehran’s violence against demonstrators is the worst in 40 years. Yet Europeans chose this week to double down on an effort to evade U.S. sanctions.(December 4, 2019 / JNS) The news out of Iran should shock the conscience of the world. As The New York Times reported in a front-page article published on Monday, when Iranians tried to protest their government’s arbitrary decision to drastically raise gasoline prices, the regime responded with unprecedented force. Throughout the country, security forces, including units of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, have opened fire on unarmed citizens. According to the Times, in the first two weeks of the protests, anywhere from 180 to 450 persons have been killed, with at least 2,000 wounded and 7,000 persons arrested. This dwarfs the violence that took place in 2009, when a stolen election led large numbers of Iranians out to the streets.

The news of what amounts to a case of mass murder on the part of the Islamist rulers of Iran has trickled out slowly due to the regime’s decision to create an Internet blackout throughout the country. But as corroborating accounts have become known in the West, the scope of the killings can no longer be denied.

But perhaps just as shocking as the deaths ordered by the clerics who rule Iran is the reaction from Western Europe. The United States has strongly condemned the violence and vowed to step up the pressure it has exerted to force the Iranian regime to both renegotiate the nuclear deal it struck with the West and also change its behavior towards both its own people and those of neighboring countries. Europe, however, is not only signaling its lack of interest in the unrest inside Iran; it is also doubling down on efforts to keep Western cash flowing to Tehran in order for the regime to continue to maintain its hold on power.

Indeed, just as the confirmation of the scale of the violence became clear, six more countries joined a new consortium aimed at evading U.S. sanctions on the rogue regime. Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden announced their decision to participate in the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges, or INSTEX. The group, whose founding members are Great Britain, France and Germany, is an attempt to create a pathway to trade with Iran based on the barter of goods and services. In theory, these countries will now be able to carry on trade with Tehran without the use of U.S. dollars or involvement with the U.S. financial system. read more

7 Comments on While Iran shoots protesters, Europe schemes to enrich the murderers

  1. The truth is that the USA continues to scheme to take down Iran by any means possible. An actual war is what the US war mongers want. Iran doesn’t like CIA violent terrorists
    there, even if our own country likes and enables Antifa terrorists in America. Media liars spew disinformation under the direction of the CIA.

    “Iran discovered that over 100 violent protesters were “pay for play””

    “Most likely, 8 CIA agents recruited 12 – 15 people each and had them stage this, all were foreigners.”

    “Iran has discovered that the people who burned the banks were well funded outsiders who used construction equipment to break into the banks and burn them, along with many other cases of destruction including burned buses and more.”

    “The CIA had about 100 paid instigators ready, (they probably always do, ) – they sit there as sleeper cells waiting for the right moment, and when that moment came they invaded the peaceful protests and started smashing, burning, and shooting. The Iranian police forces discovered the guns used came from outside the country.”

    “Now a few are trying to front a sympathy scam for the “poor protesters” who were not Iranian citizens at all and might get executed for what they did. Considering they killed people, fair is fair as far as I see it.”

    Controlled Media: CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate People
    The Intel Hub
    Mon, 27 Feb 2012 06:10 UTC
    An archived clip of different Congressional hearings exposes the fact that the CIA directly plants stories in the media, both in the United States and the rest of the world.

  2. This all happened because Iran started oppressing it’s people? That was the quid pro quo? It could be interpreted that way?

    Who knew Lieutenant Colonel Vindman’s “totally legitimate” side gig was writing for “Geller Report”?

  3. The Europeans seem hellbent on their own destruction and worse they insist on bolstering support for the evil ragheads in Tehran as well as other murderous regimes.
    They’re part of the worldwide push to break away from trade practices pinned to the U.S. dollar. Our enemies just love the efforts to do so but that thinking will hasten their own collapse.
    Leftist idiots are everywhere.

  4. @gin blossom December 5, 2019 at 6:12 am

    > They’re part of the worldwide push to break away from trade practices pinned to the U.S. dollar. Our enemies just love the efforts to do so but that thinking will hasten their own collapse.

    I hope you’ll accept this in the spirit of the season. God speed. As you’ve declared me your enemy.
    (Not all that new, in The United States. Americans are, not accidentally, on extinction’s glide path.)

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