While U.S. Liberals Support Hamas, the Taliban Continues to Wage War on Women – IOTW Report

While U.S. Liberals Support Hamas, the Taliban Continues to Wage War on Women

Gateway Pundit:

While liberals in the US protest in favor of Hamas, the Taliban is waging a war on women’s rights.

The Taliban in Afghanistan have intensified their oppression of women by imposing new laws that further restrict their rights and freedoms.

Women are now banned from speaking in public, reciting the Quran publicly, or looking at men outside their families.

These measures also mandate women to conceal their faces and voices outside their homes, extending the authoritarian control the Taliban reestablished after their return to power in 2021.

These laws deepen the exclusion of women and girls from public life, exacerbating the isolation and despair faced by Afghan women, particularly in urban areas where enforcement was previously less stringent. read more

9 Comments on While U.S. Liberals Support Hamas, the Taliban Continues to Wage War on Women

  1. I’ve had three occasions in my life time to deal directly with mooslem men. Extremely egotistical weak men. I can only imagine what life would be like in THEIR territories. These idiots that support them need to nut up and move there. Especially and including the Hollywood idiots. They’ll be flying off roof tops in no time.

  2. Harry
    Tuesday, 31 December 2024, 9:49 at 9:49 am

    “What do you think mosques are for?”

    …this guy already answered THAT question, and was completely unambiguous about it…

    “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…”
    — Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

    …THAT man leads a NATO ally, is given our secrets, told our tactics, and provided our arms.

    Never doubt an evildoer when he tells you what evil he will do…


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