While We Were Sleeping – IOTW Report

While We Were Sleeping

American Greatness-

Summing up all this “stuff” can be difficult. “Grocery list” kind of difficult, as when trying to stay calm at the prices—it becomes nearly impossible. But that is the point, isn’t it? As it was Rudyard Kipling’s point to his son. “If you can keep your head when all about you /Are losing theirs and blaming it on you . . .” It’s always worth reading that poem again, and often.

One recent revelation would suffice: Special Counsel John Durham’s report was commissioned reluctantly by the very culprits who committed the crime—and has now been presented to the public two years too late, though well before the next election, confirming much of what we all knew from independent sources in the meantime. Yet, it remains important. Not important as in an alcoholic who admits he is a drunk, but for the obvious reasons—that the extent of this perfidy must be far worse than they are admitting, and it must be thought by the intelligentsia that a good mea culpa now is worth a lot of flagellation later.

So here we are. Again. It’s not the first time. But just sticking with the last century or so—let the “or so” include the election of 1912 because there has been a lot a teeth-gritting going on since. Over and over in that elongated egg of time, people smarter than the rest of us have warned that “this” was the beginning of the end—from the idea of banks controlling the interest on the money they have been granted the privilege to loan (and thus determining their own profit as well as much of national debt), and the imposition of income tax on the middle class (while the rich are not salaried), to the popular election of senators who are thereby forced to cater to the whims of the bread-and-circus set. I’ve read that any one of those could do the dirty trick.  more

9 Comments on While We Were Sleeping

  1. Hmmm, FBI was created (with a different name originally) in July 1908. And the 1912 election would essentially be the one following its creation, assuming that in 1908 they were still figuring out how to create the deep state.

  2. I believed “if” was a great poem 65 years ago. Still do. It is one of the foundations of my “assertiveness”; why I had 3. High school teachers send me to Detention for saying Ike’s OPERATION WETBACK was a defense of working Americans; not as they said “proof he was a white nationalist”!

    Yes, some of my friends did “doubt” me! Telling liberal teachers Ike was no a hater?!&*@!?

  3. And NOTHING will come of any of this smoke and light. The fury of battle is only drums and cymbals beaten to sound as warring.

    Oh God, praise the many investigations and bombshell reports, shout thunder down on the wrongdoers and raise money for the opposition party!

    There will be no punishments for ANY of the people instrumental in these crimes and ongoing corruption. NONE. Some minor league grunt will lose a license, a job, or a promotion, a lot of noise will be made, and business will continue as usual, or, likely, worse.

    I fart in your general direction.

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