Whistleblower: Acting Secret Service Chief ‘Retaliated Against’ Agents Who Had Security Concerns At Trump Event – IOTW Report

Whistleblower: Acting Secret Service Chief ‘Retaliated Against’ Agents Who Had Security Concerns At Trump Event

Daily Caller: A whistleblower alleged that Secret Service acting Director Ronald Rowe personally cut security resources and “retaliated” against agents with security concerns leading up to former President Donald Trump’s rally on July 13, according to a letter released Thursday.

The whistleblower alleged that Rowe personally implemented “significant cuts” to the Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), which does advanced threat assessments for venues, and alleged that agents who expressed security concerns were “retaliated against,” according to Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley’s letter to Rowe. As a result, the CSD failed to perform its “typical evaluation” of the rally venue in Butler County, Pennsylvania, and “was not present on the day” of the attempted assassination. more

23 Comments on Whistleblower: Acting Secret Service Chief ‘Retaliated Against’ Agents Who Had Security Concerns At Trump Event

  1. Every piece of evidence that has dropped out of the sky thusfar points to intent disguised as incompetence and massive cover up. Funny how that seems to be the same MO that this administration has used for the past 3.5 years huh?

  2. Great. The SSis now officially part of the deep state. It’s bad enough that all of the other agencies are hostile to PDT, and most of them have guns, but the SS literally has them pointed at his back, up close and personal.

    And in case you GOPers and Nevertrumpers think you’re safe from this, you’d better hope that you never have to step in PDT’s big shoes, because I can assure you that they would take you out in a second if if you became inconvenient to them.

  3. It sounds like Rowe is at least culpable (possibly even complicit) in the assassination attempt. No one at his level and with his training / experience is that incompetent by accident. I think he needs waterboarding at a minimum to determine who put him up to enabling or even orchestrating the whole thing. I hope the whistleblowers in the SS are able to stand their ground against these thugs that are currently in charge.

  4. acting Director Ronald Rowe stated that the Secret Services Agency operates as non-partisan, yet the Director, Deputy Director and other high level supervisors are appointed by the President or his Chief of Staff.
    Purely politically partisan appointees.

    It appears the Secret Services is directed by political appointees just as the DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS, CIA and many other (if not all) federal Agencies.
    The weaponization of these politicized agencies jeopardizes the lives of Donald Trump, conservatives and those who oppose Biden/Harris’s failed Administration.

  5. The billions and billions of words, uttered and written about all this, and the truth remains: we all knew the American political party and their fellow travelers most aligned with the One World Gov’t oligarchy would try to kill Donald John Trump. It was a given.

    As long as they keep everyone talking and writing about the details of timelines, roof slopes, personnel problems, and the like, we won’t be asking about the motive. And I’m not talking about Crook’s motive.

  6. @ Sloped Roof Harry FRIDAY, 2 AUGUST 2024, 9:07 AT 9:07 AM

    It is a choice between LIHOP or MIHOP
    Let It Happen On Purpose
    Make It Happen On Purpose

    Let it happen – Recognize that there are people predisposed to committing the act , and allow it to happen. Explain away letting it happen by chalking it up to simple negligence or incompetence.
    Make it happen – Encourage and/or enable an individual or group to commit the act, and allow it to happen. Explain away letting it happen by chalking it up to simple negligence or incompetence.

    Planned in failure is so obvious at this point that to deny it is ludicrous on its face. The behavior of these individuals on the witness stand is beyond the point of being recognizable for exactly what it is.

  7. JD – It is a choice between LIHOP or MIHOP

    My thoughts exactly on some of these school shootings! There are patterns here.
    Matter of fact, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if there is a reference to this in “Rules For Radicals”

  8. “ The tap dancing, lies, and coverup of the Trump assassination attempt by the Secret Service, FBI, and now the mainstream media is so far beyond bureaucratic ass-covering that it’s hard to conclude that the events in Butler were not desired.

    I still maintain that it is unlikely in the extreme that anybody inside the government recruited Crooks to take his shots at Trump because it seems so implausible that any sane person would recruit an untrained kid to do the deed, but it is now clear to me that the top levels of the Secret Service and Homeland Security wanted Trump in danger.”


    The chance this isn’t the case shrinks to insignificance

  9. Don’t overlook the fact that the bastards get their rocks off sitting there telling the American people they can eat shit and die. They do this knowing full well that the Republican establishment has their back. The worst thing that can happen to them is they get fired and a strongly worded letter they can frame and hang on their wall to validate their credentials to their like minded shitbag progs. Mind their Ps and Qs and they will be compensated for their loyalty.

  10. Anyone that doesn’t recognize the significance of the timing of this payoff to Strzok & Page is hopelessly clueless. This was done to send a message to everyone who comes before these hearings that if they toe the line…


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