Whistleblower Allegations From Inside Gov. Newsom’s Billion-Dollar COVID Lab – IOTW Report

Whistleblower Allegations From Inside Gov. Newsom’s Billion-Dollar COVID Lab

California Globe:

blistering report Monday from CBS13 Sacramento reported thousands of inconclusive test results coming out of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $100 million COVID-19 testing lab with the $1.7 billion contract with PerkinElmer. All of this expense was supposed to ramp up testing and processing, but the high number of false-positives were concerning.

The Globe reported on this lab in December, and spoke to a confidential source who shared concerns with the PCR tests. We also reported on three doctors in Contra Costa County who were concerned with the excessive COVID PCR testing leading to high numbers of false positive results. They wrote a letter of their concerns to county public health officer, Dr. Chris Farnitano. The result was not more information provided to the doctors, but instead, it was apparent someone from the government put pressure on John Muir Hospital where the three doctors worked – one of the doctors was terminated as the Medical Director of Trauma and Regional Transfer Services at John Muir, and we were told the other two doctors received reprimands.

The source explained about the high number of false positive PCR tests:

“Results from a positive PCR test should be considered as a preliminary result only and doesn’t determine an active infection or  hospitalization rates. Doctors typically order these tests when a patient shows symptoms and the doctor suspects the patient has a high probability of having the disease. Once a result comes back positive, it must be confirmed with another test in order to be considered definitive.

The concern with Covid screening is that none of these steps are taken. A positive PCR has little clinical significance and increases our case numbers without confirming the presence of an active infection. Without the expertise of a physician and a confirmatory assay there is no way to determine if this is a true positive result.” MORE

6 Comments on Whistleblower Allegations From Inside Gov. Newsom’s Billion-Dollar COVID Lab

  1. PerkinElmer!!!!! He shouts at the top of his lungs. I’m intimately familiar with PerkinElmer and honestly can’t think of another Corp less suited for this task. They’ve evolved into Jack of All, Master of none in an effort to survive. I smelling some squid pro quo. Status quo for California.


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