Whistleblower Marcus Allen Details Retaliation He’s Endured Under FBI Director Christopher Wray – IOTW Report

Whistleblower Marcus Allen Details Retaliation He’s Endured Under FBI Director Christopher Wray

11 Comments on Whistleblower Marcus Allen Details Retaliation He’s Endured Under FBI Director Christopher Wray

  1. I hope other agents like the ones who are stopping people in their driveways and front porches and aggressively pressuring them into accidently saying something incriminating see these heroes and realize what they themselves are personally doing is wrong, and unamerican.

  2. The federal Government, in this case the FBI, Can/Will destroy you financially and attack your personal integrity.
    The Agency, FBI, has no Honor or Integrity when conducting investigations internally or externally. The FBI is filled with political hacks who will do anything to protect the Biden Narrative and their own illegal activities.

    The FBI is the leading edge of the spear to thwart any truth from any Investigation of the Biden Crime Syndicate, January 6th Political prosecutions and questionable evidence of any wrongdoing used to incarcerate hundreds of law abiding patriotic citizens. Not even a critical, in depth investigation of the Murder of Ashley Babbitt.

    The FBI is as Corrupt as the leadership of this Nation’s Federal Agencies, from the President on down the organizational chart.

    The Offices of the Inspector Generals and Congressional Oversight Committees are toothless tigers, outside of allowing the Truth of Illegal actions of the FBI to be made public.

    Neither the Office of the IG or Congress has the power to indict or prosecute the Agency’s Illegal actions. Unfortunately, the equally politically corrupt DOJ holds the key to prosecution and withholding evidence.
    Who, presently in our questionably fair elected Government, represents and enforces “Due Process” and “Equal Protection of the Laws”.


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