Whistleblower Report: Police refuse to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires – IOTW Report

Whistleblower Report: Police refuse to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires

As FBI Director Chris Wray performed his usual smarmy stonewalling in Congress Wednesday, a damning report on his $10 billion agency’s “cult of narcissism” was delivered to the House Judiciary Committee by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts. 

The same group gave us the scathing DEI report last year about the FBI’s degraded recruitment standards and coddling of physically unfit, mentally ill, drug-taking or generally useless agents to satisfy diversity requirements at the expense of merit and experience. 

This time they have assessed the entire bureau and drawn several worrying conclusions, including that local law enforcement partners have developed a “disturbing loss of trust in the FBI” and are therefore reluctant to share information, with alarming consequences for national security and public safety.  more here

9 Comments on Whistleblower Report: Police refuse to share info with FBI as agency suffers ‘crisis of confidence’ with DEI hires

  1. At this time, the local yokels could probably do a better job anyway.
    So why share info and have the FiBbIes fuck it up?

  2. The effa bee eye wouldn’t hire me because I am old. Although I do know a lot of shit about telephones, and secret shit about telephones, and other secret shit. LOL!

    The Russia House type shit. But not. I know nothing!

    Truthfully I know nothing. But I’m here to tell you, never use any telephone. Of any type.

  3. So, another “conspiracy” is proved real.
    Wray is a toady of the leftists and lies every time he opens his mouth.
    These whistle-blowers’ proof needs to be consolidated and Wray arrested for at the very least perjury.
    Probably no one dares as he would send the most thuggish brown shirts out.


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