Whistleblower says Ruffalo group, Water Defense, created ‘false alarm’ in Flint, MI – IOTW Report

Whistleblower says Ruffalo group, Water Defense, created ‘false alarm’ in Flint, MI

“I spoke to this group and I said ‘do you realize if you scare people from taking baths, or showers, or washing their hands … people will get sick,'”

WE: Virginia Tech water expert Marc Edwards charged Tuesday that a water nonprofit supported by actor Mark Ruffalo, who played the Hulk in the last two Avengers movies, created a “false alarm” that potentially jeopardized the health of Flint, Mich., residents.

“I spoke to this group and I said ‘do you realize if you scare people from taking baths, or showers, or washing their hands … people will get sick,'” said Edwards at a Tuesday press conference. He was joined by several scientists who presented their research showing that Flint water meets federal standards, contradicting claims by Ruffalo’s group, Water Defense.


Water Defense reported they used their proprietary “Waterbug” sponge to measure chemicals in the water, and said the test found dangerous chloroform, disinfection by-products (DBPs) and total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) in the city’s water supply. Edwards, whose research helped expose the Flint water crisis, previously dismissed the group’s research as pseudoscience, in a post on his website entitled “A-List Actor but F-List Scientist: Mark Ruffalo Brings Fear and Misinformation to Flint.”  MORE

3 Comments on Whistleblower says Ruffalo group, Water Defense, created ‘false alarm’ in Flint, MI

  1. I live out in the county and drink the same water that Flint had before they changed to the River water. One day, some years ago, I got a glass of muddy water out of my kitchen tap. I called the water department. The “gentleman” that answered the phone told me that there had been a car wreck about two miles from my house a week or so before, which damaged the waterline and hydrant. He should have had the lines flushed, but he would have them flushed now that there had been a complaint.
    I am not the only one that lives out here…there are over 8,000 people in the township. Who knows how many were affected with GOK in their water, besides me. So this is to let you know the Water Department in this county was not a 4 star government entity before the Flint catastrophe.

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