Whistleblowers: The FBI has labeled dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the FBI’s Counter-terrorism Division – IOTW Report

Whistleblowers: The FBI has labeled dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the FBI’s Counter-terrorism Division

House Judiciary Committee:

Today, Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland revealing new whistleblower information that shows the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has labeled at least dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the FBI’s Counter-terrorism Division to assess and track investigations related to school boards.

In one such instance, for example, the FBI investigated whether a mom was a threat to her local school board because she belonged to a “right wing mom’s group” known as “Moms for Liberty” and because she “is a gun owner.” The allegation came into the FBI via the hotline publicized last fall by Attorney General Garland. These investigations into concerned parents are the direct result of, and would not have occurred but for, Attorney General Garland’s directive to federal law enforcement to target these categories of people. more

15 Comments on Whistleblowers: The FBI has labeled dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the FBI’s Counter-terrorism Division

  1. Remember when the FBI actually went after bad guys and didn’t target innocent law-abiding American citizens, neither do I. The FBI has become the bad guys under the last few corrupt democrap administrations and even under Bush’s admin. as well, think Patriot Act. In some ways old J Eager Beaver wasn’t much better in how he treated his political enemies, as were the Kennedy’s both JFK and RFK and FDR. But now the American people have become political enemies because we don’t agree with the corruptocrats evil policies.

  2. The Federal Bureau of Insurrection needs to be dismantled and rebuilt starting on day number one of President Donald J. Trump’s Second Term. Congressional Hearings following the Midterm Elections will make this a certainty, because the corruption will finally be exposed.

  3. When Clinton made “Bush Republican” Freeh
    head 9/1/93 FBI stopped being a first rate LE agency and protector of Americans.
    When bush made Mueller FBI head 9/4/01. It became the American Stasi. A tool of the elites, “our bettors”, to subjugate conservatives. Has been such for 21 years now.

    I am very biased! Have hated “Bush Republicans” since 1/20/81; still do!

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