White Christmas! Lots of snow expected – IOTW Report

White Christmas! Lots of snow expected

Daily Caller – – – Christmas ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Set To Dump A Foot Of Snow Over Northeast US.

A winter storm system could dump about a foot of snow over large swaths of the northeastern U.S. on Christmas Day, according to weather forecasts.

The incoming “bomb cyclone” is good news for those who love a White Christmas, but not good news for the millions of people set to travel for the holidays. Travelers across the region can expect slippery roads and reduced visibility.

Weather forecasts show a stretch of foot-deep snowfall across New England and upstate New York, according to Weather.us meteorologist Ryan Maue. Meanwhile, the Northeast storm could merge with a storm brewing over the Great Lakes region, meaning more wintery weather.  read more


14 Comments on White Christmas! Lots of snow expected

  1. It sucks, all they’re calling for here is 2″ tonight that will all be gone tomorrow when/if it gets to the high of 40. Although it is weather forecasters, so either we won’t get anything but rain or we’ll get 3 feet.

    It can do whatever it wants though, my important family is here and we got plenty of food.

  2. I’m dreaming of a Global Warming Christmas
    Just like my Roman Ancesters used to know
    Where they didn’t have to worry
    about equine flatuance being the cause of a snow flurry
    while being lectured from Pocahantas
    about Native Gauls shivering in the snow

    I’m dreaming of a Global Warming Christmas
    every time I turn up the thermostat
    ’cause it’s very chilly
    it even shrinks my willy
    We really need some Global Warming
    ’cause my ass is starting to get frost forming
    and all I want for Christmas is to kick in the crotch some democRat

  3. All I care right now that Winter is here and we just passed the shortest day of he year yesterday is that the we are going back towards Spring and Summer once again and the days will start to last a little longer if only a minute or two at a time. Having the Sun set at 4 PM sucks and not getting light in the morning until a little after 7:30 AM (8:30 AM in Montana) is not my favorite time of year. But Christmas is here in 3 days and I don’t have to work again till next Wednesday so everything is alright and best of all baseball is almost here again since pitchers and catchers report for Spring training in a little over a month in mid February and opening day is less than 100 days and counting. We will get little if any snow this year for Christmas but there is plenty of it in the mountains for the skiers so that’s OK by me. Merry Christmas everyone at IOTW, I survived a hard year with no work for nearly 4 months but going back to work since 11-130 (for a new company doing the same thing but with better pay and a better work environment) has made a tremendous difference and I look forward to a very good year in 2018 when I become an official old fart/geezer since I turn 65 in March.

  4. It might even snow on Christmas Day around Seattle. I’m north enough and on a ridge high enough it could stick a few inches if all the forces come together in just the right way.

  5. Up here on the frozen tundra, the high temp for Christmas Day is forecast at -5 the low around -20. The evaporating boiling water trick is in the making for that night. Its kinda cool.

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