White guys are now gaming the affirmative action system- and winning big – IOTW Report

White guys are now gaming the affirmative action system- and winning big

Revolver: We all know the world is descending into utter chaos thanks to twisted progressive polices, but here’s the real news: there are plenty of really clever white guys out there who are actually capitalizing on this turmoil instead of being hindered by it. How are they doing this, you might wonder? They’re cleverly working within this crazy progressive system and reaping the benefits!

Not too long ago, Revolver explored the idea of gaming the “affirmative action” system. This idea was first floated by us in a piece that highlighted the story of a college student named Kaitlyn Younger. Despite her exceptional academic achievements, Kaitlyn’s journey led her to Arizona State University after being declined by Ivy League institutions and certain University of California campuses. Unfortunately, Kaitlyn didn’t “game” the system. She played by the rules, and paid the price. more

9 Comments on White guys are now gaming the affirmative action system- and winning big

  1. The article calls it lying – I call it self identifying. The rules have been set, play the game or go to ASU.

    Are we honestly expected to believe that 40% of Brown University students self identify as LGBTQ+? Maybe some of them are lying?

  2. The whole affirmative acction thing is a bunch of crap. My blond haired, blue eyed niece leveraged a 25% hispanic heritage into admission to ‘The Ivy League of the West’. She graduated from an expensive private high school with tuition of ~$34,000/year and has a father who is a ‘C’ level executive. But, yeah, she is a poor, oppressed minority.🙄

  3. I recently took the opportunity to “self identify” as Native American when filling out a confusing form while being helped by a very nice lady at the local office of the Department of Agriculture. She couldn’t help lifting an eyebrow but smiled when I said, “Born right here in Texas”.

    Throw sand in the gears at every opportunity.

  4. I had fun messing with the libs when I was at Cal Berkeley. But that was in the 80s, the engineering program I took didn’t have any woke requirements. Nowadays, particularly for schools that require covid ‘vaccinations’, still, I don’t think so.
    In men’s group this morning one guy asked us to pray for his 20 year old son’s girlfriend. According to him she is wonderful, athletic, very nice, and he told his son he better not lose her. She is having heart surgery… and the family thinks it’s because of the covid shots.

  5. If reparations are ever approved I intend to ‘self’ identify’ as Black and dare anyone to say I am not. I may have to go full Karen and carry hot sauce in my Hilary purse


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