White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country – IOTW Report

White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country


A Senior White House official clarified Monday that President Donald Trump was not immediately withdrawing troops from Syria, after Trump’s phone call with the Turkish president.

“This does not constitute a withdrawal from Syria. We’re talking about a small number of troops that will move to other bases within Syria,” the official noted, citing 50-100 troops in the region.

The White House arranged for an official to brief reporters in a call after Republicans in the foreign policy establishment universally condemned Trump’s decision, announced on Sunday night and promoted on Twitter on Monday morning.

“I held off this fight for almost 3 years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous Endless Wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

President Donald Trump was informed of the upcoming operation by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday night, prompting his announcement that he was moving about 50 American operatives away from the potential conflict zone.

The official was adamant that Trump’s troop movements were not “green lighting” or endorsing the Turkish military campaign against the Kurdish PKK forces. more

6 Comments on White House Clarifies: Donald Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country

  1. Everyone should know by now that the news is almost always fake…..especially when it comes to news of TRUMP.
    There is no shortage of Repubes that can’t wait to get egg on their face when these things come out.
    You’d think they’d learn to hold still for the real news.

  2. still don’t understand the downside of getting out of Syria … it’s a vassal prop of Iran … we get out, Iran moves into Syria … Russia gets pissed, along w/ Turks & they shitstorm one another

    the Kurds will be given aid & ‘advisors’ by US, as always … Israel stands aside & lets the factions deplete blood & treasure

    … what’s not to like?

  3. Syria’s been a cesspool since Biblical times.
    I can’t see any strategic interest we have there.
    “What’s Aleppo?”
    Didn’t the French fight the French along with the British and (sometimes) against the Germans in Syria?
    What’s the point?

    izlamo delenda est …


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