White House Correspondent Hits Back at ‘Low-Level’ Reporter Who Think She’s Too Hot – IOTW Report

White House Correspondent Hits Back at ‘Low-Level’ Reporter Who Think She’s Too Hot

(Julianna FriemanHeadline USA) War Room co-host Natalie Winters, who made her debut as White House correspondent on Tuesday, hit back at “low-level” reporters who wasted hundreds of words criticizing her wardrobe choice.

To the chagrin of legacy media gatekeepers, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt announced during her first briefing that President Donald Trump welcomes all media, including podcasters and social media influencers, to cover his administration.

On Thursday, the Daily Mail ran an article titled “Controversial White House Correspondent slammed over ‘inappropriate’ outfits,” which focused on Winters’s black layered sweater and white skirt.

The anonymous Daily Mail reporter, whose name has since been hidden and replaced with “Daily Mail Reporter,” regurgitated several social media comments likening the War Room co-host’s fashion sense to that of an unprofessional “high school intern.”

Winters took aim at the slew of negative headlines ripping on her style, finding humor in one that said she was “under attack for being too hot.” more here

25 Comments on White House Correspondent Hits Back at ‘Low-Level’ Reporter Who Think She’s Too Hot

  1. My sister and I took our first overseas trip to Italy in November/December 2008. We realized very quickly that we would have to “step up our game” as the Italians(even the university students) all knew how to dress and present “una bella figura” (a good image). Sadly, most people in America, Canada and the UK dress like crap, you are lucky if they actually washed their face and hair that day and if they have clean fingernails.
    I think she looks good – she reminds me of the character Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. Just because she looks good and knows how to dress well, does not mean that she is a “bimbo”.

  2. One thing I learned from Fark.com (and I bought the guy’s book, good read):
    Newspapers will write stories based upon getting the maximum views. The point of the story is to simply lead with ‘Hot Woman’, knowing that many people will click. The whiny article is irrelevant.
    Also: yes, she is.

  3. Naw, Vogue won’t do coverage of pretty/conservative women.
    That rag made a big deal of the street walker fashion of Biden and the upholstery styling of Big Mike.
    Besides, Anna Wintour runs that cage liner.
    And she is very much like her Devil Wears Prada character.

  4. Attacking Natalie Winters with an empty intellectual quiver is a losing endeavor.
    Certainly no credit to the Daily Mail or Jane Herz.
    Jane is this the notoriety you desired. You got it.

  5. @mr_pinko
    Saturday, 1 February 2025, 12:58 at 12:58 pm
    “Playboy should do a spread. Women of the Trump White House. ”

    …modern, woke Playboy would be more likely to do “Stunning And Brave Wimminish Imitators In The Biden Military”.

    A “Spread” you DEFINITELY do NOT want to see ..



  6. Geni
    Saturday, 1 February 2025, 13:25 at 1:25 pm
    “The Idiots at that stupid fashion magazine Vogue could do a spread about the beauties of the Trump administration but will they ?? Why not try something NEW for a change ??”

    …gen-Z try something NEW.

    IDK, maybe after Star Wars 869, “Yep, Its Palpatine Again” and “Captain South America: The Stunning And Brave BIPOC Lesbian Witch Who Don’t Need No Man” coming to an empty theatre near you…

  7. She kind of looks like a blonde version of my 17 year old daughter… Who has the deep red “French Normandie” hair and a Cherokee tribal role card… FWIW – I wouldn’t have approved of the skirt.

    Otherwise… I will comment… “Expect trouble”.

    (Goes gun shopping…)


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