White House Cuts Feed of Virtual Event After Joe Biden Says, “I’m Happy to Take Questions if That’s What I’m Supposed to Do” – IOTW Report

White House Cuts Feed of Virtual Event After Joe Biden Says, “I’m Happy to Take Questions if That’s What I’m Supposed to Do”


36 Comments on White House Cuts Feed of Virtual Event After Joe Biden Says, “I’m Happy to Take Questions if That’s What I’m Supposed to Do”

  1. I am truly embarrassed for my country.
    Even 3rd world countries know creepy XiJoe
    is not capable of much more than a bowel movement…
    We are a laughing stock now.

  2. What he said is that he’s happy to take questions Nance, if that’s what you want me to do. The bastard is not in charge, it’s like he has a nose ring and he’s being led around like a cow.

  3. As we watch our 401s etc. tank, I would love SOMEBODY, ANYBODY to make the case that we will have a robust economy under this administration.

    Start by naming any policy, EO, etc. that will hold off inflation, rate increases, and taxes.

    We are fooked again.

  4. @Radioationman/

    That’s how I felt during Turdeau’s first year.

    When they re-elected him, I took down my flag & pissed on it every day for 1 year, the burned it. When your country does not respect itself enough to vote out a corrupt imbecile you loose all respect for the people in that country.

    The Demos will 25th Jackoff Joe by next December when they install Kalamity HarryAss. Furthermore, the majority down there obviously didn’t vote for Jackass.

    I can’t imagine what that would feel like, but up here they actually DID vote for the little shitstain.

  5. Jethro,
    Yes, we do. We’ve seen it all before.
    Germany elected that senile old fuck Hindenburg.
    Russia had that fuckin retard Nicolas II.
    Cuba has Batista.
    China was torn among greedy, shitweasel warlords.
    Japan went through that whole army youngster thing.
    Turkey before the “Young Turks” and Mustafa Kemal.

    History always repeats: first as tragedy then as farce.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The election was fixed. Joes a sock puppet. Harris is dumb as a post. And the Communists now in charge have no plans giving their control up. Just look at DC. Don’t give up your bullet thrower. You will need it.

  7. This is why I don’t watch the news anymore, even Newsmax or OAN, it’s just too painful.

    Between losing Rush and having the election stolen I couldn’t bring myself to watch CPAC last week, and I’m a total news junkie.

  8. I know they are scammers but WTF does ” Whaat a stuff of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precipus experience about unpredicted feelings.” Mean?

    Really! Do dumbasses fall for this shit?
    I am dumbfounded!

  9. His “handlers”(creepy thought) cut the feed when they feared that before any questions were asked, the sock puppet would expound on how much he loved his nekkid grandchildren.

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