White House defends political use of Air Force One – IOTW Report

White House defends political use of Air Force One

TheHill– The White House on Tuesday defended using Air Force One for presidential travel to political events.

President Obama and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will take Air Force One on Tuesday to fly to North Carolina, where they will make their first joint campaign appearance.

The White House said in a statement it was following the rules, adding that the Democratic National Committee and other relevant political committees pay what’s necessary for the president to travel to political events on Air Force One, Bloomberg News reported.

The government does not release the formula used to divide up the travel costs paid by the DNC or campaigns.  more

13 Comments on White House defends political use of Air Force One

  1. has this EVER been done before?…that’s the question…….if it’s normal, then, it’s normal……if it’s never been done before, than it’s abnormal…….i don’t know…..all yall need to look it up and find out the truth for me, since my blood alcohol level has rendered me incompetent to do any kinda research into this kinda government corruption……i hate spell check…..it made me correct this comment at least twenty times…..

  2. so, in the future, whenever US ORDINARY FOLK get charged with WHATEVER, we get to plead “NO INTENT”…..as, for instance, when i got into my car to drive home from the bar with a blood alcohol level of .28, i did not INTEND to run into your car and kill your wife and children..i was just INTENDING to get home safely…..so, ya know, not my fault……so you can’t prosecute me, since i had no “INTENT” to kill off your family…needs to be written into our laws, fer sher…….

    damn…..we need to codify this defense RIGHT NOW…….so no one ever again can be held responsible for bad things that happen just because “ordinary” people make bad decisions….

    after all, if the secretary of state can make every bad decision in the books, which, according to the actual books are NOT just bad decisions, but actually VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW = KINDA WHAT WE CALL CRIMES – ….can be “let off the hook” on account of “she didn’t INTEND to break the law,”…….

    then why should any of us bother to obey the law????…..just so long as we don’t actually INTEND to do wrong, we’re cleared….

    i’m not sure i want to live in a world where someone gets to decide my INTENT…..in order to either prosecute or not prosecute me…..

    this woman broke the law in so many ways, you CANNOT count them…..there are many many lesser persons incarcerated for far lesser “crimes” related to exposing classified information to far fewer persons……

    but you should VOTE for her, for various reasons….first, she probably has a vagina…..next, she will break the infamous “glass ceiling” and be the wonderful very FIRST first woman president…..
    kinda like the most wonderful current resident of the white house was -supposedly – the first “black” president….

    third, the CLINTON MACHINE knows every single damn thing about you, and if you don’t vote their way, they will destroy you….

    don’t worry, YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED……for instance, it’s a federal crime to have in your possession any part of a feather of any wild bird…….even if you found it on the ground and brought it home as a keepsake….

    it’s also a federal crime to dispose of lightbulbs “inappropriately”…

    you need a license to braid hair…..you need a license to be a interior decorator……you need a license to do fingernails….

    EVERYTHING IS AGAINST THE LAW, unless you have PAID THEM for a “license”….

    LAND OF THE FREE……..yeah, right

  3. This Obama-Clinton “team” doesn’t pass the smell test.

    I would not be surprised to find, revealed in the months ahead, that Obama is building Clinton up publicly to have an alibi when she’s taken out of the Presidential race.

    As we have witnessed during the past seven years, plausible deniability is an absolute favorite of BHO.


  4. I get confused by the democratic tactics. Is throwing a stinky blanket (Obama) over a pile of shit (Hillary), supposed to make the stench of shit smell better? Are we supposed to forget the elitist picture this draws to the common ‘folk’? Is this how they will make the rich ‘pay their fair share’?

    Amazing that they drip elitist double standards and people actually believe them. Sad.

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