White House: Germany’s Merkel visits President 4 O’clock dinner – IOTW Report

White House: Germany’s Merkel visits President 4 O’clock dinner

Idiot, Stumbling Biden Refers to German Chancellor as “2nd Largest… Serving Chancellor” of Germany.  — Biden corrected himself but the damage was done.

17 Comments on White House: Germany’s Merkel visits President 4 O’clock dinner

  1. biden is auditioning her to be a wench for ‘sleepovers,’ when doctor director jill is away at the Olympics (that no one else can attend). Someone has to be around to keep him in bed and not wander off. Rumors have it, that there are bed alarms in the bed in the Lincoln bedroom, that sound off, if he gets out of bed when doctor director jill makes him sleep there.

  2. 2nd Largest? I’m not sure, but this time I agree with Biden.

    1) Even UNFILTERED Dementia JOE noticed She is one heavy sack of SHIT.

    2) The look on her face clearly indicates that she known she is standing next to a Complete and total JACKASS!

  3. What, Angie, you thought you were important enough to get Coherent Joe? Nobody gets that. Your first clue was the tramp in a pantsuit they sent out to receive you. Nobody should ever get that. Now suck it up and tell the media how awesomely brilliant President WestExec is.


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