White House Gets ‘Bad News’ About New Viral Strain Discovered in Texas – IOTW Report

White House Gets ‘Bad News’ About New Viral Strain Discovered in Texas


President Joe Biden was briefed on the novel flu strain discovered in Texas, the White House confirmed on Wednesday, and the administration has received some “bad news.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that “the risk to human health from this outbreak is low.” MORE

15 Comments on White House Gets ‘Bad News’ About New Viral Strain Discovered in Texas

  1. No worries, we haveva vaxxxine for that!

    So good, we will force you to take it!

    But we heard it spreads on ballots, so all voting will be online!

    You’ll LOVE it! And we’ll take online polls to PROVE you do!

  2. They make us show up for every election now, I was laughing with yellow fever about how WE should run for office since they claim we’re “on” the ballots anyway…


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