White House Halted Lethal Aid Package to Ukraine Before Joe Biden Visit with Vladimir Putin – IOTW Report

White House Halted Lethal Aid Package to Ukraine Before Joe Biden Visit with Vladimir Putin


Joe Biden’s White House halted a proposed package of lethal aid to Ukraine, according to a Politico report.

State Department officials and the Pentagon worked to develop the aid proposal before the White House National Security Council put it on hold ahead of Biden’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The package’s development came in response to Russia’s massive military buildup near the Ukrainian border earlier in 2020, and would have been worth up to $100 million, according to Politico.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday, citing “people familiar with the decision,” that the Biden administration tabled the aid package after Russia said in April they would reduce the number of troops on the border.

Biden officials estimated in May that 80,000 Russian troops remain on the border of Ukraine, the New York Times noted.

11 Comments on White House Halted Lethal Aid Package to Ukraine Before Joe Biden Visit with Vladimir Putin

  1. More evidence that Susan Rice and Osmidgen are really running things. If President Trump had done this, he would have been accused of being Putin’s lapdog and investigated by the Dementiacrats in Congress for Russian Collusion. This is proof that bribing Humper was a good investment for the Russians.

  2. Marco, are you saying Joe is more flexible after the election? He sure was limber when he knelt before Grandma Juneteenth, so he must have been fine on his knees before Daddy Vladdy.

  3. You never telegraph your moves to your enemy. And you sure as hell don’t telegraph weakness.

    The Biden Crime Family and it’s dotard Crime Boss are despicable.

  4. Behind the façade of being the tough guy and bullying a female reporter, Biden is a weakling and a coward on the international scene. Being pliable, incoherent and corrupt places all the citizens who desire freedom world wide in peril. He cannot be trusted on the international scene, he is truthfully seen as he is; He has diminished mental capacity, lies and weak on the international stage. Frail Biden makes Macron look like Captain America.

    As he jeopardizes other countries, he is squeezing US citizens with crushing high costs of nearly every commodity, increasing tax and crippling economic policies.
    Biden has displaced obama from being the worst President in modern times.

  5. Has any country ever installed a bigger pair of corrupt, incompetent imbeciles to destroy the foundations of a great democracy? What is most frightening is the fact that at least forty percent of the country would probably vote for these two fraudsters if the election was held again tomorrow. Dementia Joe and Kalamity have just gotten started, and it’s only been 149 days since the Installation on January 20, 2021.

  6. Joe is a blithering idiot that thinks he’s a elder statesman.
    He’s so void of awareness that he’s completely unaware that the entire world is either snickering or cringing at his every move.
    The idiots pulling his strings don’t seem to be any more aware either.

  7. gin blossom;
    The idiots that are pulling Joe’s strings don’t care what US Citizens or International Countries say, perceive, ridicule and mock Joe’s ineptitude.

    The socialist Democrats have an agenda, a strangle hold on the reigns of Power and a man with diminished intellect as a tool to accomplish their bidding. The public’s perception or Joe’s legacy is not their concern.

    It is even more sinister than we think.

  8. There is no doubt that Biden is America’s Chamberlain. When Russia invades Ukraine and China invades Taiwan he won’t do squat except squawk. When he leaves the WH forever, he should go directly to an assisted living facility. It would be better if he leaves in a casket.


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