White House interviewing Petraeus as possible Flynn replacement – IOTW Report

White House interviewing Petraeus as possible Flynn replacement

WE: President Trump and his top advisers will talk with retired Gen. David Petraeus this week as a possible replacement for National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, according to a report.

Trump regularly referenced Petraeus during his campaign speeches last year, telling guests at rallies that the former general was punished more severely for leaking classified information to his mistress than former State Sec. Hillary Clinton was reprimanded for setting up a private email server.

Trump had briefly considered Petraeus for secretary of state. He passed over him due to the earlier incident and the problems that might create with confirmation in the Senate, a hurdle which is not in the way for national security advisor.  more

19 Comments on White House interviewing Petraeus as possible Flynn replacement

  1. Greetings!

    He’s almost as bad as Obama. Both are traitors! After having passed classified information to his secret/open love, he should have been demoted to Colonel and should have been forcibly retired from service. I’m sure he would betray us to the so-called devout, peaceful, and tolerant Muslims, the followers of Muhammad’s cult of the person who worship a moon god!!!

    I also suggest John Bolton, or … … myself!


  2. NO. NO. And HELL NO. May as well bring Hillary back too. Bolton no.
    I don’t know who would be a good replacement but Deep State is dangling their marionettes on the stage, why make it any easier for the NeoCons? Think about it, why didn’t Pompeo, Tillerson or just one R congressman on the Intelligence Comm know Flynn had been recorded and warn Trump? Either they did know or didn’t and both possibilities presents a prob. Also, Flynn had to know he was under constant NSA surveillance. If he didn’t he has no business serving in that capacity.

    The next 4-8 years (provided they don’t remove Pres Trump by other means) is gonna be an ongoing bloody battle that’ll make the Bataan Death March look like a stroll in the park.

  3. Hell no, not Petreaus. For NSA and he’s already been convicted of mishandling classified? His punishment under Obama may have been political, but we don’t owe him anything. There has to be way more candidates out there for the NSA job than Petraeus.

  4. We still don’t fully know Flynn’s transgression. What exactly was withheld?

    How can Petraeus be more trustworthy than Flynn?
    Petraeus is well known for his deceit, weaknesses and breach of National Security.

  5. Oh, hell no on General Betrayus. He likes to talk national secrets to his ‘mistress’ when she was writing a book, AND he is also a quiet member of Gabrielle Giffords’ anti 2nd amendment team.

  6. Petraeus is the MSM choice, not President Trump’s choice. Petraeus is merely President Trump’s head-fake. Watch how shocked, disappointed and wrong the MSM is when President Trump makes his actual pick.

  7. Billy Fuster, Trump is A/B testing right now. Please stand by. If he picks Petraeus, I will post as “Nate Silver’s Sphincter” for two weeks after the announcement. With the P-38.

  8. Jarhead Cracka February 14, 2017 at 8:11 am
    Hell no, not Petreaus. For NSA and he’s already been convicted of mishandling classified?

    That in itself should bar BetrayUS from any government position for LIFE.

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