White House Investigating ATF Decision to Increase Regulation on Certain Pistols – IOTW Report

White House Investigating ATF Decision to Increase Regulation on Certain Pistols


The White House is investigating the ATF’s decision to increase regulation on Q, LLC’s (Q) Honey Badger Pistol, and the agency is warning that other AR-15 pistols may be targeted as well.

Brietbart News reported that the ATF sent Q a Cease & Desist letter, dated August 3, 2020, announcing a reclassification of Q’s Honey Badger Pistol as a short barrel rifle (SBR). This means the pistol now falls under the purview of the National Firearms Act (1934), as do machine guns, suppressors, and SBRs.

The ATF letter noted that two other Q pistols–the Sugar Weasel and the Mini Fix–may also fall under NFA purview. read more

14 Comments on White House Investigating ATF Decision to Increase Regulation on Certain Pistols

  1. When I was a kid they ever “revenuers”. As an adult we “home brewers” called ‘ BAT FUCKERS! I think GOAT FUCKERS would also work.

    40 years ago I actually grew my own hops. 35 years ago “the boss” mad me clear them off the land! I guess we all know “who wears the pants…..”!~ I did get to see;p the bird dogs!

    But after almost 57 year of marriage I really care no more.

    As I’ve said many times all letter agencies ARE BAD! Nothing has made me think I was wrong decades ago; including this!

  2. exJarhead: At the beginning of the movie Thunder Road there is on-screen text that basically say that not paying tax, in this case on moonshine, is the most egregious Transgression anyone could commit. Personally I think there are more serious things to worry about.

  3. So what can they do about all the ones already in private hands?

    It’s not like the government has any way of knowing who owns guns or what kind they own to go just out and collect them.

  4. OK time to insert a Bill of Rights HALT POINT for the FED’s & ATF’s “reinterpretation” or creating New Reg’s as it sporadically decides and wants.

    Any and All Laws and reinterpretation of Federal Regulations that Affect the Voters Bill of Rights must be voted on in a National Election and passed with 90% voter approval (not congress). Plus ANY and ALL Firearm related Regulation changes will not apply to exist owners or weapons and will be granted exemptions for life of the weapon.

  5. Radio:YOu may be old enough to know that dDMi;tc;h;e;m’smove related to the accident that mad the writer f B S Does not record it til a year after hw=e wrote it.
    Revenuers ran ;him off a mountain side in KY!

    I’:m OLD and lived in Va 71 years ago! Bad Guys were “Reve nurse” IMHO they still
    are BAD


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