White House mocks Trump’s hair, ‘outrageous appearance’ – IOTW Report

White House mocks Trump’s hair, ‘outrageous appearance’


WashingtonExaminer: White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Tuesday that Donald Trump’s appearance, and particularly his famous hair, makes it easy to understand why people don’t take him seriously as a presidential candidate.

At the White House, Earnest said Trump’s overall appearance should give voters pause for thought.

michelle on the phone

 “The Trump campaign for months now has had a dustbin of history-like quality to it, from the vacuous sloganeering, to the outright lies to even the fake hair, the whole carnival barker routine that we’ve seen for some time now,” Earnest said. Earnest was pressed to explain later why the White House would seemingly play Trump’s game by mocking his appearance, but Earnest defended his remarks.  Read More


SNIP: Speaking of fake hair…


28 Comments on White House mocks Trump’s hair, ‘outrageous appearance’

  1. “This is the dream team. We have better ideas, better vision, a better sense of the difficulties in the lives of average Americans. And we have better hair.”–Silky Pony Kerry

  2. Proof positive (we all know it anyway) that liberals have NO SENSE of self-awareness. Josh set up Mooch PERFECTLY. Awesome retort!

    Speaking of mongloids, who the hell is Josh Earnest to decide The Donald has disqualified himself from the presidency?!?! Trump’s wrath heading your way Obama’s cabin boy! ?

  3. Zer0 and his cohorts a scared shitless of Trump.

    Not because Trump is or is not presidential material.

    But instead because Trump is going to make Zer0 and the left look like lazy goofs that couldn’t do anything worthwhile in 8 years besides STIFLE THE AMERICAN DREAM!

  4. It’s a rather old method of arguing…when you’re out of any solid ideas simply lob insults at your opponent to hurt his/her image. You still lose the round, but you can go off and tell your buddies what you said (salvaging your ego in the process).

  5. Anyone want to contemplate looking at Chelsea Clinton’s ugly puss for four years? Web Hubble, you must have been well and truly shit-faced to stick your dick into that cesspool known as Hillary’s vag!

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