White House Offers Explanation For Botched Statement That Caused Uproar In Mexico – IOTW Report

White House Offers Explanation For Botched Statement That Caused Uproar In Mexico


The White House offered an explanation Friday for a blunder that evolved into a minor international incident this week.

After several top officials took a trip to Mexico to address the ongoing border crisis, the White House released a joint statement with the country via email that named “democratic decline” as a root cause of migration. The version posted to the White House briefing room was identical except for one key difference: the note about “democratic decline” had been deleted. The statement released via email, including “democratic decline” being a root cause of the crisis, was not discussed with the Mexicans and a mistake, a national security spokesperson told the Daily Caller.

“Due to a version control issue, the initial version of the document that we posted online included an additional phrase that had not been discussed with the Mexicans,” the spokesperson told the Daily Caller. “Promoting democratic values in the region is a top priority for the Biden-Harris Administration and we have worked with Mexico to promote these values, including most recently in Guatemala and Venezuela.” more

16 Comments on White House Offers Explanation For Botched Statement That Caused Uproar In Mexico

  1. the shit shoveling by this regime must be absolutely exhausting by now ….

    they’re probably reaching out to their masters in China to loan them some Uigur slaves … & send them w/ shovels … stat!

  2. When your definition of promoting democratic values equals stuffing ballot boxes, diddling children, jailing opposition, enriching lifetime political families on the backs of taxpayers, and destroying border security, you end up with more of that. That’s not decline, that’s progress, so they were right to omit it.

  3. I’m trying to remember my history; when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, did Roosevelt have the Japanese proof-read his address to Congress? Did Ronald Reagan get permission from Russia before he made his “Evil Empire” speech?

  4. It takes skill, brains, guts and hard work to build something, but any asshole can destroy something and that’s exactly what is in todays White House! The world’s biggest collection of no-skills, bought & paid for misfits, faggots and assholes hiding behind the biggest asshole on the planet selling out his own country for his own personal gain!

  5. “Due to a version control issue…”

    The weaselly bureaucratic bullshit jargon these incompetent assholes dream up…How about one “version” for everybody?

    We are represented to the world by a bunch of credentialed dilettantes playing at statesmanship, and the world is taking turns taping “KICK ME” signs to their backs.

  6. Freudian Slip. Every true Marxist regime like Mexico and the Xiden Administration NEVER want a “democratic decline”. It’s the framework of their destructive vice grip on the masses.

    Marxists do want the decline of The United States Constitutional Republic. The only system that creates and maintains individual liberty and freedom – NOT a global collective population, oppressed by overlords who decide who “deserves” prosperity based on an alliance to a regime.
    Tyrants cannot survive a democratic decline. Praying their fears are actualized in 2024.

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