White House plans to extend new immigration restrictions – IOTW Report

White House plans to extend new immigration restrictions

WA EX: The White House is preparing to expand and extend new immigration restrictions for months and possibly years, according to a new report.

President Trump’s advisers are planning a new executive order that would suspend some new temporary work visas. The order is expected this month, and while it is viewed as temporary, it may need to stay in place until a vaccine is made widely available in the United States and across the Americas, administration officials told the Wall Street Journal.

Visas for highly skilled workers and seasonal migrant workers are expected to be included, as are student visas and the work authorizations that come with them.

Administration officials said that the move could affect anything from entire categories of visas to incentives for companies in struggling industries to hire American workers. The economy lost 20.5 million jobs in April, the most that the federal government has reported since it began recording the figures in 1939. read more

8 Comments on White House plans to extend new immigration restrictions

  1. President Lazlo raised eyebrows today when he announced all Illegal aliens deported by catapult will receive a one time Parachute tester stipend.
    They or their family can redeem the fifty bucks at the consulate


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