White House press secretary McEnany tests positive for COVID – IOTW Report

White House press secretary McEnany tests positive for COVID

JTN: White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday morning that she has test positive for COVID-19.

“I tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday morning while experiencing no symptoms,” McEnany tweeted.

The press secretary made the announcement three days after President Trump said that he has tested positive for the virus.  more

25 Comments on White House press secretary McEnany tests positive for COVID

  1. I had my annual (-ish) physical 2 weeks ago, the doctor asked if I wanted to be tested for it. No fricken’ way. If I feel sick I will go for treatment, but why in the world would I risk 2 weeks of quarantine just because a test said I had a virus in me that isn’t bothering me?

  2. Is it only republicans that were at the debate that are “testing” positive or is that my imagination?

    John Roberts has evil grin while rubbing his hands together and hissing “yesssss”

  3. And on cue Jim Acosta had another disgusting hysterical response not worth repeating. If she doesn’t have symptoms she should take another test to make sure it isn’t a false positive.

  4. I don’t think many of the people who test positive actually develop anything that makes them sick.

    People are exposed to all sorts of things that their immune systems usually just overcome without it ever affecting them, Covid is one of them.

  5. The Dems have been getting tested and turning up positive. They’re just not telling you about it. That’s why they do all their bidness via video. It’s a cover.

    I’m also willing to bet Biden had it and didn’t tell anyone, either.
    They keep saying he’s testing negative. Who tested him? “Doctor” Jill? lolol

  6. Pretty sure I was coofed up in August, no symptoms other than being tired constantly and some aches. Didn’t get tested, I didn’t need something to tell me what I already knew. All I gotta say is: weak sauce. The actual flu is much worse.

  7. As we’ve said before- if you’re not sick, who cares about an irrelevant or false positive “test” result?? A lot of people unfortunately, following the lead from the MSM mind control masters.

  8. Again, how do you know that lab isn’t pulling a fast one? Like Anonymous said above, get a second test.

    In my opinion, if people would just STOP taking these damn tests, this ‘virus’ would go away.

  9. Who were the 3 reporters from the WH who were tested positive? What is their condition?
    No one is talking about them.
    I think maybe a bunch of Dimms have the China virus but aren’t telling anyone and the media are covering for them.
    They just want to help each other and Chris Wallass scold Republicans and especially the Trumps.

  10. The up side to these highly publicized cases is when nothing much happens and they just get over it. We’ve been bombarded with panic porn for months. People need to see that this is just the flu.

  11. @Brad, BINGO!! Let’s call this exactly what is really was, their first assignation attempt. You just KNOW that they purposely infected all those people. I read many tweets over the last few months where libs fantasized about doing it.

  12. @Supernightshade, “Jim Acosta has nothing to worry about, rona only attacks humans.”

    Not true. The Xi virus has been found in mink, which are in the weasel family, so Acosta is definitely at risk and a probable super-spreader.

  13. Brad October 5, 2020 at 1:37 pm
    That’s why I cancelled a lab test I was scheduled for. They informed me that I would need a ChinaVirus test and I told them to cancel it and I’ll reschedule when all this nonsense is over.

    Besides, I don’t trust any of them when they get more money for reporting positive tests even on people who never got a test (yes, I know someone that happened to).


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