White House releases border briefing that Dems ‘did not want to hear’ – IOTW Report

White House releases border briefing that Dems ‘did not want to hear’

WATIMES: The White House on Friday released the border briefing President Trump tried to get Democratic leaders to see during a meeting earlier this week, saying the public should see the information behind the president’s case for why he wants a border wall.

The briefing, which was to be given by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, details increases in drug seizures, arrests of criminals and the surge of illegal immigrant children and families who the administration says are overwhelming agents.

But attendees said Democrats’ top leaders interrupted Ms. Nielsen and wouldn’t let her give the briefing.

“Some of those present did not want to hear the presentation at the time, and so I have instead decided to make the presentation available to all members of Congress,” Mr. Trump said in a letter to lawmakers Friday, with the briefing slides attached.  more

8 Comments on White House releases border briefing that Dems ‘did not want to hear’

  1. …instead of saying ‘did not WANT to hear’, it should read simply “that Democrats did not hear”, as they are VERY skilled at completely ignoring facts that don’t agree with the narrative, even when they are RIGHT IN THEIR FACE.

    Anyone paying attention could tell from the Muelller investigation ALONE that Democrats are not interested if “facts” or “truth”, but just taking power by any means necessary.

    This is no different. They did not hear the breifing at all, the Devil was talking too loudly in their ears the whole time…

  2. Release it to the public on the WH web site. Show the Dems that he ready and willing to go straight to the people when the Dems want to play politics with the security of the nation.

  3. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. The D’s have got nothing on POTUS Trump — not even their manufactured “Russia, Russia, Russia!” scandal. Bringing forth the skanky women didn’t work, either. Now they want to pursue his tax returns.

    What we really need to do is rise up as one against the D’s and accuse their party of dereliction of duty to the jobs they were elected to do and to stop wasting the Peoples’ time and treasure running all these expensive tax-paid “investigations” and sending millions upon millions down their rat holes AND for destabilizing our markets and our societal welfare by inciting violence by Americans against Americans.

    The Democrat Party is a criminal organization: Corporate planning and attacks on free elections through fraud; slanderous and libelous acts and tying up our courts with orchestrated lawfare; giving cover to those whose mission is to destroy our Constitutional Republic, like CAIR, CPUSA, The Muslim Brotherhood, George Soros; laundering money through public unions, Planned Parenthood, foreign nationals (some of whom have direct ties to terrorism); strong-arming (extorting) organizations and people with their Mafia tactics.

    They are the real obstructors of justice at every turn. We must get to the bottom of every injustice perpetrated on the United States by the Clintons, their foundation and her use of the gov’t to confer favors. We must get to the bottom of how obama and clinton used our Justice Department (DoJ, FBI, NSA, CIA, and all the satellite orgs) to perpetrate and obstruct justice.

    We must root out and destroy these criminals in every way possible.


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