White House Says It Never Planned to Fund Distribution of Crack Pipes – IOTW Report

White House Says It Never Planned to Fund Distribution of Crack Pipes

RedState: So, it looks like the White House is doing damage control on CrackPipeGate. After The Washington Free Beacon published a report on a grant being offered by the Department of Health and Human Services that would fund, in part, the distribution of crack pipes to “underserved” communities, the Biden administration faced outrage coming from conservatives and others. Even Snopes tried to come to the White House’s rescue.

The Free Beacon reported:

The $30 million grant program, which closed applications Monday and will begin in May, will provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use safer for addicts. Included in the grant, which is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, are funds for “smoking kits/supplies.”

These “smoking kits” included, among other implements, pipes that could be used to smoke crack or other illicit substances. However, the White House press secretary recently stated that this was not the case. “They were never part of the kit,” she said during a press conference on Wednesday. “It was inaccurate reporting, and we wanted to put out information to make that clear.” read more

32 Comments on White House Says It Never Planned to Fund Distribution of Crack Pipes

  1. Dang! I was fooking lorward to mah frees crack pipes, and shit, yo! Corn Pop could burn out a cracks pipes in a day! You know, craks rocks! FREE CRACKS PIPES!

  2. “A spokesman for the agency told the Washington Free Beacon that these kits will provide pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and ‘any illicit substance.’”

    Who ya gonna believe here, Pesk?, or your own lying ears?

  3. I didn’t get a fucking free crack pipe. I got a fucking IRS bill for capital gains for 13 dollars and 47 cents.

    That’s my capital gains, not what I owe.

  4. Willy four fingers?

    Oh….I like that guy. There’s no need to go al a mode undercover carmen sandiego here.

    Dang……had I known I would have offered him at least 10 bucks for his soul.

    And he could have kept the fat bag of meth.

  5. “The $30 million grant program, which closed applications Monday and will begin in May, will provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use safer for addicts.”

    Don’t be surprised if some of those nonprofits turn out to be Mexican drug cartels. And the Clinton Global Initiative of couse!!

  6. So the “smoking kit” is basically just a f**kin’ BIC lighter?
    I mean, if they aren’t supplying the glass pipe or the crack (😉😉), then what is left of these “kits”?

  7. Although, if it’s just for smoking, don’t need the spoon.
    That’s only a necessity if you are shooting up.
    Maybe the spoon would be a bonus for all the ‘free’ needles they hand out.

  8. The regime’s interest in “addressing the opioid epidemic” and open borders, just don’t mesh well.

    I wonder how much of the profit from drugs crossing our borders goes to “the big guy”?

  9. I got a ‘your comment is awaiting moderation’ alert in red
    this was the post:
    kamala is writing the user’s manual for the crack pipes
    1) put unit in mouth
    2) suck
    3) enjoy

    waiting to see how it flies this time

  10. Amazing that so many democrats make keeping useless junkies alive a priority. It’s almost as if they’re serving the interests of international drug traffickers. Well, not almost… exactly.

  11. iOTWreport.com ©2022 —– iOTW report is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter’s.

    No need for the disclaimer if you moderate!


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