White House says no SCOTUS appointment this recess – IOTW Report

White House says no SCOTUS appointment this recess

obama stoned

AT: A White House spokesman confirmed that President Obama will not name a replacement for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia during the current recess.

A Reuters report quotes White House spokesman Eric Schultz who told the wire service, “Given that the Senate is currently in recess, we don’t expect the president to rush this through this week, but instead will do so in due time once the Senate returns from their recess.”


11 Comments on White House says no SCOTUS appointment this recess

  1. Typical Obama. He agrees to make no attempt to do the impossible, and acts like he’s granting some sort of concession.

    There’s no way anyone could get things arranged to push through a nominee on this short notice. It would take a couple weeks minimum to lay the propaganda groundwork and sanitize the background of whatever Marxist asshole he has in mind.

    No, he’ll put up a name or two in a month, and then the RINO Senate will feed us all some bullshit story on why there’s just no way they can block the nomination.

  2. The Republicans need to say and say again that they will hold a vote just as expeditiously as his administration released the F&F documents, the IRS documents, the Lois Lerner email, the Benghazi documents, Hillary’s email, etc.

    Paybacks are a bitch

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