White House Slams Judge’s Order Blocking Asylum Restriction – IOTW Report

White House Slams Judge’s Order Blocking Asylum Restriction

Epoch Times:

The White House has condemned a decision by a federal judge to put on hold a new Trump administration rule that denies asylum to people who pass through countries where they could apply for asylum on their way to the United States.

“The tyranny of a dysfunctional system that permits plaintiffs to forum shop in order to find a single district judge who will purport to dictate immigration policy to the entire Nation … must come to an end,”  White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a July 25 statement.

U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar in San Francisco blocked the rule on July 24, at the request of activist groups that filed a suit against the policy. Just hours earlier, another federal judge in Washington denied a similar request from a different group of plaintiffs.

Injunction Power

The administration has complained for some time about what it calls “activist judges,” whom it accuses of blocking its policies on ideological grounds.

“Too many judges believe it is their right, their duty, to act upon their sympathies and policy preferences,” then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in an Oct. 15 speech, calling judicial activism “a threat to our representative government and the liberty it secures.”

Among the specific issues Sessions pointed out were the nationwide injunctions, in which a judge presiding over a local case blocks the executive action in dispute across the nation while the case proceeds through the courts.

“In the first 175 years of this republic, not a single judge issued one of these orders,” Sessions said. “But, they have been growing in frequency and, since President Trump took office less than two years ago, 27 district courts have issued such an order.”

Attorney General William Barr voiced a similar concern on May 21, saying “the legal community and the broader public should be more concerned, particularly about this trend of nationwide injunctions.”

Earlier in May, Vice President Mike Pence said the administration will “seek opportunities” to have the Supreme Court review whether district judges have the legal power to issue such injunctions in the first place.

“It’s imperative that we restore the historic tradition that district judges do not set policy for the whole nation,” Pence said.

In 2018, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in an opinion that nationwide injunctions “are beginning to take a toll on the federal court system.”

“I am skeptical that district courts have the authority to enter universal injunctions … If their popularity continues, this Court must address their legality,” he said.

Immigration Battle

Tigar ruled in favor of advocacy groups represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Center for Constitutional Rights. more here

12 Comments on White House Slams Judge’s Order Blocking Asylum Restriction

  1. absolutely absurd & ridiculous that communist/socialist/fascist district crapweasels should have power over the whole country

    SCOTUS needs to put the hammer down! … just as soon as Roberts suicides Arkancides

  2. Start kidking ass Mr. President. Gloves off. To hell with the battleship analogy, you are an entire Carrier group. Take ’em out with extreme predjudice

  3. From the way in which this is worded, I don’t understand how it is that a district judge can make such a national injunction in the first place. If it is a matter of “the courts” not being entirely clear about it, why would there be any question but that it is for the highest court to decide? Or, why couldn’t another district court lift the injunction/allow for the rule by POTUS, cancelling out the first judge? In other words, by what law is it alright for one judge to strike down and another to allow given the same set of circumstances? That’s not law at all, that’s one judge’s tyranny.

  4. Asshats on CNN latest talking point:
    “Hey Trump supporters, the president promised to build a wall and drain the swamp. He hasn’t. He doesn’t keep his promises.”

    These dumbasses actually think this tact will work?
    Everyone knows that Trump has been stymied EVERY FUCKING STEP OF THE WAY!
    AAAArrrggghhhh 🙁 🙁 🙁

  5. Right now the courts have all the power essentially, out of balance.

    There are 2 remedies, as there has always been,

    1. Shot our way out of this.
    2. Legislate our way out of this.

    History has always had these two choices.

  6. Stop whining about the activist judges and ignore their rulings. Let the other side take the case up the court system if they like. The Executive branch has control over immigration, or more clearly, defense of our border.

    This pussyfooting around has to stop on Day 1 of the second term. Stream speeches directly from the Oval Office explaining the invasion and the affects of the illegals on every aspect of our country, especially our working poor and minorities. Tax money being wired overseas. Arrest and prosecute the top executives of companies that repeatedly hire illegals. Start shipping out the illegals in very visible caravans. The military has billions of dollars sloshing around in their budgets. Have them build the fence quickly. Environmental concerns? Sorry, national defense. Private property? Sorry, national defense. Let the other side kick and scream every step of the way. If demonstrators hinder any aspect of the operation, arrest them for siding with the enemy, park them in military controlled tent camps, and take your sweet time hearing their cases.

    If Trump doesn’t turn this situation around during his second term, I have absolutely no hope the successive milquetoast Presidents stand a chance. Or even care to try for that point.

  7. AbigailAdams, “I don’t understand how it is that a district judge can make such a national injunction in the first place.”

    Aren’t most of these judges Obama appointees? Even if they aren’t, they are leftist judges. So, the answer is: Obama ignored rule of law, ignored injunctions from the court, and most likely ordered these judges to do exactly what they are doing.

    Therefore, the answer is: Obama did it without consequences – they can, too.

    And, so far, the Trump administration is letting them and are following their unconstitutional rulings instead of ignoring them like Obama did.

  8. How does an activist group have standing to sue? What harm have they suffered that they need redress through the court system? And why does a district judge have any say over border security and national security?

  9. And Trump is allowing some 2nd tier commie “judge”
    to dictate illegal orders to him?
    Get some gonads Donald.
    Hell, that pussy Kenyan ignored any legal decision
    he didn’t like and laughed about it.

  10. CherryBark- Indeed, the issues about asylum and border sevurity fall under the rights granted to the executive branch, and under the president’s executive powers, PDJT has the right, and obligation, to ignore any judicial injuction or order if he deems it is detrimental to the safety/security of the USA. He has always had this right granted by the Constitution, tell this judge to go pound sand up his 9th circuit ass.


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