White House Spins Food Shortage As ‘The Joe Biden Diet’ – IOTW Report

White House Spins Food Shortage As ‘The Joe Biden Diet’

These stories are from a satire website.
But, you know how life imitates…

Glorious American: If you think a national food shortage could be a problem, you’re probably setting up folding chairs and the refreshment table for your local Qanon meeting at this very moment.  At least that’s what the White House is saying.

After most Americans noticed the empty shelves in their local grocery store, this administration unveiled ‘The Joe Biden Diet.’ more


California Store Owner Prices All Items At $951 So Thieves Can Be Prosecuted.

“Nothing stolen in nearly a month,” Omid said smiling.  “The criminals walk in with their garbage bags and calculators, and after a few minutes, they decide to steal elsewhere.  Praise Allah!”

MSNBC: White Eggs Given Higher Grades While Brown Eggs Disproportionately Beaten.

With Trump out of the limelight, MSNBC executives felt their few remaining viewers needed ultra-compelling content.  Therefore, the network aired a three-part series on ‘Egguity.’ A new social injustice facing eggs everywhere.   The key findings of the report are as follows: 

7 Comments on White House Spins Food Shortage As ‘The Joe Biden Diet’

  1. if *Biden and his puppetmasters keep this shit up, pretty we’ll all be eating Soylent Green. And Chipotle’ will be selling Soylento Verde. And the kids will be eating Krusty Brand Imitation Gruel.

    (my TexMex relatives informed me that Soy Lento means “I am slow-witted”. Appropriate for *Biden)

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