White House statement to ‘embittered’ World War II veterans – IOTW Report

White House statement to ‘embittered’ World War II veterans

history channel
history channel

BizPacReview :


[…] “Yes, there may be some who feel personally embittered,” he said. “But I’m confident that many will set aside their own personal bitterness, not because they’re personally satisfied by the words of the Prime Minister, but because they recognize how important this moment is for the United States.”

Story here

h/t Julie

25 Comments on White House statement to ‘embittered’ World War II veterans

  1. Chickepoop.a$$hole,yellowbelly,lowlife liberal commie bastard! Just get over that YOU liberal bastards LOST, despite the al the liberal lies, cheating, bullying, and mud slinging. And your mealy mouthed statements as spokesperson for the faux president will not be missed. Fade into obscurity you jacka$$.

  2. You bet I am embittered…embittered that my beloved country has been held hostage to Barack Hussein Obama for the last eight effing years.
    Rot in HELL you sorry son of a bitch.

  3. Obama!
    Like the imperfect marksman you are, you keep missing the target!
    A man has who has been shot at in a war, is allowed to feel however damn way he wants to feel about whoever shot at him.
    Barry can piss up a rope.
    So the Japanese whoever shows up. Big deal. We can be nice.
    But don’t tell vets how they’re supposed to feel.
    You do not have the right, even as Commander in Chief.

  4. The left is no longer in a position to criticize ANYBODY! They dutifully supported the most corrupt politicians in American history and dutifully supported the least qualified person ever elected President. No matter what the left whines about, we can now look back on how they treated the Clintons and Obamas and throw it right back in their hypocritical faces.

  5. Obama had to take a final swipe at the military. IMO it’s probably because they defend America. Josh should go play on the freeway when they close the doors on his worthless ass for being such a lackey.

  6. These are those that I knew for years….apologie mother fucker…
    Dean Paylow…passed 2015…Navy
    Claude….I don’t know when he passed, but he was on Iwo and liked pancakes with extra butter, and he had corral wounds in his legs forever….Army
    SARGE…legendary face at my favorite bar…best friend and hero…air force
    John…at the same bar who did 2 years in a german prison camp and tried to be happy…poor dumb bastard
    Goldie…from the same bar…would’a gutted ya for an insult, but his wife made him friendly….army
    ….I hope to remember more always….

  7. I abhor using cuss words in writing unless in a report of words that I or a suspect has used, but I’m changing… FUCK both of these assholes.

    My Pop, when he was there in the Philippines, related a story to me to repeat and never forget about his Filipino friend he made while serving there. His Filipino friend told him of the yellow japs tossing his infant son in the air and catching him on their bayonet and laughing.

    Fuck o’suckass and this yellow bastard. I’m not prejudiced against the Japanese or any other peoples until this ludicrous re-writing or re-examination of history is told of how we or of what/how our veterans’ feelings should be. Fuck you, you weren’t there.

    Read your history of WWII and the jap atrocities. Fuck this asshole jap-flap and get the hell out of our house o’dickweed. Get the fuck off of our sacred cemetery, the both of you.

    The important moment for the United Sates of America and the world, is when we kicked the yellow bastards’ asses (in terms of that day) and sent them to hell for their unprovoked attack and the hundreds of thousands of lives we saved on both sides by nuking the cowards.

  8. 1. The answer to the question was ignorant, offensive, wrong on every level, and probably hate speech. Just what we expect from the source. It is what josh-schmash said that is unacceptable. If that is what obamalamadingdong believes then there he goes again…
    2. Abe had nothing to do with the decision to bomb Pearl Harbor.
    3. I imagine Abe will say something about the attack and the war being, something like unfortunate, even maybe regrettable – war is bad, peace is good, let’s live in peace.
    4. Obama is not fit to shine any veteran’s shoes, agreed. When Obamalamadingdong visited Hiroshima he did not apologize for dropping the bomb there or Nagasaki. His speech was infused with regret expressed in general terms, but was not an apology. The text of his speech is here
    5. OMG (Obama Must Go)

  9. I linked this below in another thread and have had time to think about it. We haven’t had Americas best interest at heart for 8 years. We’ve had a sniveling halfrican faggot guiding our destiney because it was fashionable. Isn’t that sad. Well those days are over. We have a Patriot at the helm. Old Josh can kiss the right side of my left cheek and then drift off into the land of the insignificant. My old man would kicked your faggot ass Josh. Drift.

  10. I would have asked the Press Secretary this:
    “Josh, if I cut off your grandfathers’ testicles and shoved them in his mouth and down his throat, would you welcome me to your Christmas Eve dinner in 75 years, if you lived, because it’s important to the family?”
    If WWII vets are still ’embittered’ they certainly earned the right.

  11. I’ve been hearing and reading all about Pearl Harbor and the war with the Japs since the Eighties (movies/books all pro Japanese side of the story). Enough. They attacked us. We blew them to kingdom come. We are even. Let’s all try to get along now, like we have been mutually doing since they started shipping those great transistor radios over here back in the Sixties. Think Godzilla!

  12. I have been to the Arizona Memorial a couple of times.
    Both times I can only report what I observed while there.
    The Japanese tourists, of which there were many, were a lot more observant of the solemn occasion than any of the American tourons.
    My next door neighbor was hiding in the mountains after Japan had overrun the Philippines. He and countless others almost starved before McArther returned. He told me few stories about it and my father told me to quit asking him.
    He held no ill will to them just as I hold no ill will towards the Vietnamese.
    O’Baja is projecting again. Just another instance where he is telling people he has no personal knowledge of how to feel.
    He could do something about the people in Chicago, those he knows something about.
    But Noooo, he has to hector heroes to feel better about himself.
    Christmas is 20th of January this year.

  13. Sppiiitttt, on your administration Barack!

    Seriously folks those weapons were used because the Japanese gave us reason to fear them back in that time. The nations that Japan invaded and occupied ARE STILL ANGRY WITH JAPAN! They have many people who are angry with them.

    Take for example the Yaskuni Shrine. Since the end of the Second World War, each Japanese Prime Minister has visited the shrine once a year. the significance of the shrine was that the Class A war criminals who were executed at the end of the war are entombed there. This visitation has been criticised by The Republic of Korea and other Asian nations.

    And if you want another look at the second world war, look up the subject of the “Comfort Women”.

    BTW, get lost Obama!

  14. Last evening I watched a show about the war with Jspan. The Kamikaze weren’t just in airplanes. They also had guys on land who went Muzzie, they wore bomb vest. They’d run out of the bushes, dive under tanks and set off the bombs. And I recall reading years ago they had guys trained to set under water in the bays with an air tank and a mine who were to float up and destroy landing craft if allied forces invaded main land Japan.

    They were a people who would only be defeated by the most violent methods. Fight to the last man. Even the Nazis had enough sense to surrender when it was clear they were defeated. Not the Japanese in that era. There’s a reason for Pacific veterans to still hate the Japanese. Not because they’re racists. But because they saw so many brothers in arms killed by their unwillingness to surrender long after it was clear they were defeated.

    Hiroo Onoda was one of the last holds, who only came in in the late 70s. He.had continued to kill people and destroy crops in the Philipines until he came in. It was reported he was disgusted at the people in Japan after his return for not continuing to oppose Americans.

    All I know is I had one uncle who fought against them island hoping across the Pacific. He had a sister-in-law who served stateside, and 3 brothers who were in Europe. One of them, husband to the same sister-in-law, landed on D-Day, finished the war in Europe and was in Hawaii on his way to invade Japan when Little Boy & Fat Man made it unnecessary.

    Read the last paragraph of page 20 & the first on page 21 in the author’s notes in Gavin Daws’ book, Prisoners of the Japanese. I think it makes the point that Josh Earnest is an idiot ass.

    https://www.amazon.com/Prisoners-Japanese-POWs-World-Pacific/dp/0688143709 .

  15. The American spirit of world war 2 is still in us-it only needs to be rekindled. The sleeping giant maybe
    taking a nap now-but you don’t want to wake him ever again. woorah….

  16. I watch a lot of History and Military Channel shows — even the old greats like World at War and Victory at Sea. I know many new shows try to impress with fancy, cutting edge, CGI re-enactments, but most still find actual vets from the battle in questions and their comments are fascinating. I already know I am a poor Christian, but I have no idea how some of these soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines can saw they’ve forgiven and moved on. I suspect I would have hate in my heart forever. Japanese war crimes were simply horrific. Their crimes against defenseless civilians are actually unparalleled even from medieval times. Unit 731 makes Mengele look like an amateur. And, no, they don’t remember or care because, nationally, they’ve blocked any discussion of the war — except that we bombed the shit out of them. Hey, I loved liberty in Sasebo, Yokusuka, and Roppongi, but I knew they resented my being there. At some point, they need to understand why I was there and formally apologize to those they wronged.

    Aside from all that justified bad blood, why is Josh saying, “this important for the country?” WTF do any of us care what Japan thinks or does? Their economy is 90+% dependent on us. Think the Chinese are buying Sony TV’s like us? How many Africans are buying Acuras? If we didn’t now still have such a huge presence there, Beijing would have invaded years ago.

  17. How many people know that both the japs and naziis had nuclear programs? Do you think they would have hesitated to use them?

    Also; I saw a viet nam doc that showed special forces carrying nuke back packs!!!!

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