White House to preserve records of foreign talks – IOTW Report

White House to preserve records of foreign talks

OAN News: A new directive from a federal judge is calling on the White House to preserve records of President Trump’s talks with foreign leaders.

Do we get to see anything from 0bama? Bush? Clinton?

10 Comments on White House to preserve records of foreign talks

  1. This is even better than tax returns because there are so many witnesses and documents that can be “subpoenaed” for a microscopic reexamination of every word uttered by Trump in these conversations and every action before and after.

    It will be discovered that Trump is operating a highly coordinated conspiracy of intertwining actions and policies designed to influence the actions of foreign governments and affect the outcome of future elections.

    Translation -Trump has a foreign policy and acts to achieve outcomes that will earn re-election! This is totally unacceptable to the Dems.

  2. President Trump should immediately de-classify every recorded conversation with foreigners by Quid Pro Joe and Obola.

    The Republicans need to pull their thumbs out of each others’ asses and get to work.

    The FBI, CIA, NSA, and the rest of the Traitorous spook outfits need to be expunged – or – minimally – beheaded.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Yeah, he said “We can’t do that” in the tape, but we all know what he REALLY meant was “I can do this if you do me a favor.”

    Trust me, that’s what was going through his head!

  4. The presidential usurper, obamination; didn’t he say there won’t be any papers in his faux presidential library because they sterilized… ‘digitalized’ everything? He learned well from the clintonistas.

  5. 0webama : Hey ISIS, What do You need?

    ISIS: Guns and Money.

    0webama :Done !

    Did You know that ISIS didn’t put 0webama on a Deathlist until

    after He sent Them an MP3 Player with all of His Speeches?

  6. Political hack from the Judicial branch trying to
    order the Co-equal Executive branch around.
    Trump should tell her to go play with her marbles;
    when he gets that order from the SCOTUS after a formal hearing he would consider it.

  7. This shows just how little the people involved with this push (to preserve Trump’s transcripts) understand about the federal government. Transcripts from the phone calls, like all of the government’s records, are already required to be maintained as permanent government records. So a politically charged judge has told the executive branch to do what it was already going to do. Wooptydoo.

  8. Anonymous
    OCTOBER 7, 2019 AT 10:01 AM
    “We need a good offense. Hopefully Barr is on it.”

    …who? Never heard of the guy. Never hear FROM the guy. Is he the one holding Jeff Sessions’ 4,647,258,125 sealed indictments?


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