White House to unveil new Obamacare repeal deal Tuesday – IOTW Report

White House to unveil new Obamacare repeal deal Tuesday



The White House is expected to release the text of a new proposal on Tuesday that would give states the power to opt out of certain Obamacare insurance mandates, in a major attempt to revive Obamacare repeal as early as this week.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the Freedom Caucus, told reporters after meeting with Vice President Mike Pence and White House officials that he expects the text of the new compromise on Tuesday.

The compromise would allow states to opt out of forcing insurers to cover 10 essential health benefits in plans, including maternity care and hospitalization.


4 Comments on White House to unveil new Obamacare repeal deal Tuesday

  1. Interesting. Congress goes home on Friday. This gives the voters a chance to see what’s in the bill and discuss with their reps.

    Ryan – are you paying attention?

  2. Why won’t they ALL just kill this thing? The states have to get waivers for the two provisions that would actually reduce insurance costs to go into effect. Why?! I wish someone would really sell what health insurance is and should be. All I hear is how it is a ‘right’ from the left. You should be paying for the services you want based on an array of risk factors like any other insurance. Bad drivers don’t get to pay the same low rate as good drivers. You want to obese, have diabetes and high blood pressure and smoke you can’t pay the same rate as someone without those factors. It isn’t insurance without the free market, it is welfare.

  3. I agree with Anonymous as to how the insurance thing should work. Why the hell doesn’t Trump just do what he promised the American People? Repeal and Replace! That’s the ticket he ran on, he needs to make good on it. Oh wait, he’s a politician now, I forgot, he doesn’t have to. No wonder his approval rating has tanked to 40%.

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