White House Un-lists Video After Man Caught On Hot Mic Discussing ‘Plea Agreement’ While Biden Is Talking – IOTW Report

White House Un-lists Video After Man Caught On Hot Mic Discussing ‘Plea Agreement’ While Biden Is Talking

National File:

A bizarre moment from President Joe Biden’s White House livestream on Wednesday is garnering attention after an unidentified man on a hot mic speaks over the President and talks about a “plea deal.”

In the YouTube video, which has since been unlisted by the official White House channel so only users possessing a link to the footage can view it, the bizarre audio exchange happens roughly one hour and 16 minutes into the press conference.

As Biden continues to drone on about his COVID team appointments, an unidentified male voice cuts in and says, “So just so you know my life, after waiting to do this, I just agreed to a plea sentence for [unintelligible] guy…”

The unidentified audio then cuts out.

On Thursday, Biden became the first President to have articles of impeachment introduced against himself during his first week in office. more

8 Comments on White House Un-lists Video After Man Caught On Hot Mic Discussing ‘Plea Agreement’ While Biden Is Talking

  1. I’m just seeing an unintended mike feed from somewhere saying something unrelated to Biden or his speech being made from some unknown party for some unknown reason, Am I missing something?

    What does Q say?

  2. The RNC can fold up and leave DC.
    I am tired of its Media/Voter staged events with no serious intention or effort follow thru.

    The RNC’s Biden Impeachment Dog & Pony show is such an example of
    Lets make our voters “group feel or “think” we are seriously going to do something, then let it fade into the mist…


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