White woman accused of faking ethnic background resigns from progressive group – IOTW Report

White woman accused of faking ethnic background resigns from progressive group

“I call her Rachel. I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing,” the mother said. “I’m as white as the driven snow and so is she.”

20 Comments on White woman accused of faking ethnic background resigns from progressive group

  1. Oh, snap, I thought we were talking about Alec Baldwin’s wife.

    When social currency can be secured by pretending to be a protected class, it only makes sense that this shit happens. Especially if those “reparation” bandits get their way.

  2. Anonymous, Seriously!? Black people are not one color with the same physical features.
    Ever heard of “Passing”? Black people have been passing for white for centuries. Here is one of many, many examples of black people passing as white:

  3. LocoBlancoSaltine, thanks for noticing black people don’t all speak the same way either. Black people can speak like white people, too. We are extremely varied in any way you can imagine.

    Fakers like Rachel Dolezal and the idiot trying to be Arab throw everyone off with their obsessive narcissist behavior.

    Another example of someone who could pass as white, yet black is Eartha Kitt’s biracial daughter, Kitt Shapiro. She’s so white in appearance, most people still refuse to believe her actual birth mother who raised her is Eartha Kitt;

    Please watch. Amazing lady.

  4. 99th, I never knew Eartha Kitt had a daughter?
    Just watched a couple minutes of your link and WOW!
    Of course she is pretty with a mom like Eartha.
    I will watch the rest later.

    BTW, I hope she doesn’t listen to the haters.
    Screw them, be proud and what they hell does it matter what they think?
    Me, I would really like to put race in the rearview mirror but I don’t think that will happen in my lifetime.

    The Batman TV show of 1966 was so impressionable on me, so Eartha being one of three sexy Catwomen made quite an imprint.
    Her voice & delivery, slinking around was probably the most “catlike” of the three. “Puurrrrfeccctttt”
    My brother & I were Batman & Robin several years in a row.

    Funny, but the shows in the late 60’s as a male is when I started realizing the female sex.
    It must suck for today’s kids because they are being taught that is not proper.

  5. Since we can all randomly change what sex we are depending on how we are feeling a particular day, can’t we change our race? I am going to be black for one day – the day they hand out $5 million each in reparations in San Francisco.

  6. White woman accused of faking ethnic background resigns from progressive group
    Like that Dolezal chick whose parents called her out, what else are you going to do, ever more so because now they hate you for trying to be one of them. Ha! They don’t want you to be like them. You’ll be on welfare soon enough like Dolezal, you can become one of them then.

  7. These progressive groups are filled with ‘well-intentioned’ nitwits who put as much effort into background checks on their employees as they do into fact checking their platforms of social justice and climate change.

    They are maladjusted lazy underachievers who live their lives on a point system of victimhood and emotions, while feeling smug and virtuous for working for a ‘non-profit’ organization that is funded by grants and donations from overachievers. No surprise they are easy marks for con artists.

  8. LocoBlancoSaltine, you’re right Eartha Kitt’s daughter is beautiful and smart. She does ignore the haters as you’ll find out when you see the rest of the interview.

    Our nation had racism beat as a stumbling block by way of the U.S. Constitution. Marxist communists now control culture, government and economics. They are using racism as a weapon to control the “masses”.

    Back in the day, especially during the 19th century, racial barriers had to be torn down and passing proved the restrictions that still existed were no longer acceptable and were never necessary.

    Today however, racists who won’t accept or hate their God-assigned genetic ethnicity are fools with an agenda to cause friction. Some are just crazy.

    Also, agreed it’s a shame boys and girls can’t experience normally being attracted to the opposite sex, as God designed them without pressure from this twisted culture to become sexual perverts.

    If it ever happens, America has a long journey back to its foundation given the damage by leftists policies.


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