Whitey Is Hogging All the Fresh Air – IOTW Report

Whitey Is Hogging All the Fresh Air

PJM: Yes, these people are most certainly beyond parody. An actual headline in Thursday’s Los Angeles Times informs us that “White drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.’s people of color.” So now Whitey, whose perfidy simply knows no bounds, is breathing free and easy and leaving the poor people of color gasping for breath. Oh, when will the racism end?

L.A. Times staff writer Sammy Roth, who penned this nonsense, still proudly sports a mask in his Twitter photo, heedless of the fact that even Old Joe Biden’s COVID-19 czar has conceded that masks don’t do anything but make their wearers feel virtuous. Roth still feels guilty, however, because he is white, and thus “couldn’t help but consider [his] own complicity while reading a new study from USC researchers, finding that Angelenos who drive more tend to be exposed to less air pollution — and Angelenos who drive less tend to be exposed to more pollution.” more

21 Comments on Whitey Is Hogging All the Fresh Air

  1. I’m looking forward to Burn a Tire for Greta Day, I think it used to be called Earth day. got 4 old tractor tires ready to go, going to use some old gasoline to kick start them and instead of sparklers we’ll be blasting spray paint into the air while the tires burn. as for whitey making it hard for people if color to breathe, ride a bus or metro sometime with them, you won’t be able to breathe without gagging. fuckers wear too much cologne or don’t bathe.

  2. I guess nobody credits Whitey for cleaning up the air for the past half century.
    Take a trip to Chyna, India, Brazil, Mexico or just about any other nation on the planet and take a few deep breaths, then come back and appreciate what we have!

  3. geoff – Please don’t include Jackass Joe on that invite.
    The man already plays plays Rock Paper Scissors with himself:

    “Solid, Liquid or Gas,
    Whut will come outta my ass?”

    Fist: Solid turd
    Scissors: Cutting a fart
    Paper: A warm, runny feeling. Paper… and LOTS of it!

  4. I note that L.A. Times staff writer Sammy Roth, who likes to complain about whitey’s “racism” (etc), is still alive, consuming O2, (presumably) driving to work, eating all the healthy food (depriving everyone else), and doing all the other “bad” stuff that whitey is accused of doing.
    And yet….he doesn’t do “the right thing” by killing himself, thus reducing his “carbon footprint” and atoning for all his other “whitey” evil deeds.
    Well? Mr L.A. Times staff writer Sammy Roth? When ya gonna do “it”? When ya gonna commit suicide? Hari kari? The “Big Sleep”? The Dirt Nap? Huh? When?
    Either put up, or shut up.

  5. If this bullshit was true, Stop taking the bus…exposure to exhaust fumes and various pollutants around bus stops may be the cause. Taggers might also kick in their fare share too, but let’s not point fingers.

  6. Anonymous
    MARCH 10, 2023 AT 9:36 AM

    “as for whitey making it hard for people if color to breathe, ride a bus or metro sometime with them, you won’t be able to breathe without gagging. fuckers wear too much cologne or don’t bathe.”

    …in the UN that is my factory floor, I’ve found that this tends to be truer for recent immigrants than if they’ve been here awhile, and more common from dustier lands where water bathing is not a tradition than being particularly linked to skin color alone.

    When some folks get here – usually Muslim, with Egyptians (who are NOT Black, BTW) being the worst, some of these folks seem to KNOW that their traditional smell repulses people here but they don’t really grok this “bath” thing and there’s no one to explain it, so they douse themselves liberally in a vat of the cheapest Dollah Store colonge they can find. This does nothing to mute the underlying body stench but adds a layer of Smells Like Teen Vomit Shalimar atop it so on approach they push this billowing wave of funk/strawberry scented whale puke in a miasmic bubble before them, and over time they can actually become individually identifiable by their particular haunting combo.

    Because the American Blacks and Hispanics seem to prefer day shift the plant, while not without a heavy Dark Continent contigent in the sun, gets considerably MORE sub-Saharan as the sun falls. This has a concomitant change in overall foetor as these tend to be the ones who are more recent immigrants who come, generally as a group, from more culturally isolated enclaves, changing the reek to the poimt that I can be sitting in a loft control room without view of the floor and still tell when the shift changes by the mankiness being merciessly sucked into the air conditioning vents alone.

    If its any consolation, smell IS the weakest sense, and usually the quickest to go through extinction if you steadfastly ignore it. I learned from earlier experiments in squiring people vomiting into plastic bags around that holding your breath just prolongs the agony, and while some folks put Vasoline on their upper lip I also personally found the inescapable smell of Vasoline in such proximity to not reallt be much better, so I learned to just breathe through it, hitch in the throat a couple times, and once I have my own impulse to vomit under control my nares stop sending alarm messages as they find they are getting turned away at the gate, leaving me able to concentrate on the task at hand.

    Other groups have their own smells, usually less brawny but equally offensive in other ways. Indians (dot, not feather) seem to wash but use heavy perfume too, so its similar in its power but minus the Jungle Rot component. Cambodians and Vietnamese smell like the sort of incense your pothead freind thought kept Mom from figuring out what you were smoking (it didn’t) but with no smell of skunkweed I ever detected, and Hispanics usually just smell washed, without the stereotypical spicy smell many seem to imagine them to have. White people come in OK but get funkier as the day goes on, less interested in any masking perfume and sometimes seeming strangers to deodorant, and most of the American Blacks smell of modern pot, which gets refreshed at every work break.

    So in terms of indoor air pollution, yes, some folks smell worse than others, but usually you can get by if you just tune it out enough.

    I would imagine one of the worst smelling people in the world would be none other that White guy Pedo Joe Biden himself. He will smell of nursing home of course, with a heavier emphasis on the uric ammonia odure and the brownish fragrance eminating from his celebrated shitpants of course, with funk turbulence because he’s too big an idiot to bathe himself and even the most stalwart of his handlers would not want this task, so they probably lure him to water by placing a child rape victim for him in his shower al la Ashley, which may get some water splashed on him but isn’t effective for washing, and just adds the scents of blood, vomit, and fear sweat from his victim and old man sweat from him, so not especially an improvent. He also most likely smells of the brimstone due to visits from satan and, too, he will just stink of crazy.

    …so, would you rather be on a city bus with passing odors as crazies come and go, or locked up in a room with Pedo and his rapidly aging harrian, e.g. Larceny and Old Lace?

    …to me, given those choices, I’ll Get On The Bus…

  7. Whites in LA are a minority where Hispanics are nearly 50% yet they aren’t singled out. Oh, wait, these must be the white-hispanics we’ve heard about. My bad.

    (Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 47.5% ; Non-Hispanic Whites: 29.4% ; Asian: 10.7% ; Black or African American: 9.8%)

  8. Even when I burn tires and railroad ties I have an abundance of fresh air and the EPA seems to believe I need even more. With a large enough grant from the Feds, I could be canning and selling it to the deprived POC of LA. It would give them something besides drugs to purchase with their EBT cards.

  9. White folks left Africa eons ago, went to cooler climes. Why? The BIPOC in the neighborhood they had to deal with. Not worth it, just leave them to it and go somewhere they aren’t. I remember the first Earth Day. Impressionable youth that I was, I went all in on it. Several years later it became clear that the folks pitching the environmental movement were out and out communists and I began burning tires on earth day. This year, PR235/75R14, a pair, used for burnouts in the BelAir until the metal shows.

  10. Remember all the greenie environmental wackos are watermelons, they’re green on the outside and red in the middle. And don’t forget the founder of Erf day Ira Einhorn composted his girlfriend, fled to France and became a cause celebre to the left.

  11. SNS MARCH 10, 2023 AT 10:32 AM

    Smells most often can trigger memories. Perhaps the smell of scented candles that a particular female liked to have burning when you got lucky. Many others and one in particular that bothers me much to this day. Believe the Carmex is more effective for the purpose you mention the Vaseline for and I can’t stand the smell of it.

    E-mail tomorrow.


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