Whitlock: Black Pride Religion Ordained By White Liberals Taking Black People And America Straight To Hell – IOTW Report

Whitlock: Black Pride Religion Ordained By White Liberals Taking Black People And America Straight To Hell

OutKick|Jason Whitlock:

The objection is to the culture, not the people. The objection is to the people manipulating and controlling the culture, not the people being manipulated and controlled. 

The puppet masters want you to read my words as a rebuke of black people. It’s a rebuke of the puppet masters, the organizers of the “Unapologetically Black Olympics” that I referenced last week in columns that explored comedian Dave Chappelle’s Saturday Night Live monologue. 

I am repulsed by the people who have worked tirelessly for more than 400 years to convince black people that our skin color is our most prized asset and defining characteristic. This conceit originally led to our physical enslavement. It has now led to our mental enslavement. 

The stewards of the zeitgeist — i.e. the spirit, mood, characteristics of a particular time in history — have persuaded black people to pursue blackness above all else, above faith, intelligence and freedom. 

I object. Passionately

9 Comments on Whitlock: Black Pride Religion Ordained By White Liberals Taking Black People And America Straight To Hell

  1. Very well said. But I still have trouble understanding this”

    “[pick a color] consciousness” thing.

    Years ago, someone once claimed that Americans think about….

    …wait for it…


    …about every 20 minutes! Not the color of their skin, obviously.

    Today, it’s probably their social media page or their smartphone.

  2. “…The root of my disdain is biblical. Sixty years ago, the hallmark of black culture was religious faith. It carried us through slavery, Jim Crow segregation, lynching and was the power source of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Civil Rights Movement…”

    Truer words have not been spoken. I work with lot of blacks (lower socio-economic), and they are quick to proclaim “praise Jesus” and tell you all about their church family. etc., etc. But they will will scream G-D this and G-D that in a heart beat, using the Lord’s name in vain. They are slaves to their Godless government savior.

    They are no more Christians than I am the man on the moon.

  3. Jesus gave us two main rules to follow:
    “Love God above all else and love one another.”
    Follow those two and that’s all the religion anyone
    needs to live happily.
    Ignore them at your peril.

  4. “The Democrats are playing you for a political chump and if you vote for them, not only are you a chump, you are a traitor to your race.”

    The person who spoke these words was Malcolm-X. He was assassinated two days after expressing the last quote. How ironic.

  5. White liberals (Democrats and Dixiecrats) have been telling blacks what to do and deciding what’s good for them since 1965. They think blacks are too stupid to do anything for themselves, including voting. Wow, some “Great Society.” Hey black people, here’s a little history lesson for you. White liberals need not watch since you already know this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RceMcDBBN1A

  6. Tha “black leaders” do not arise organically from within their own community, the ones who do usually are much less radical and they are shut out bu the progressive media. The ones that get access to the microphone have been vetted and hand selected by the progressive movement to move to a regional and then national stage.

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