Whitmer to receive the JFK Library Foundation Profile in Courage Award – IOTW Report

Whitmer to receive the JFK Library Foundation Profile in Courage Award

Like the Kennedys, she too has killed lots of people.
But to get an award for it?

Patriot Retort:

Back when Cuomo won an Emmy, I pointed out that the Left always rewards failure.

And they do, don’t they?

After Stacey Abrams lost in Georgia, she was selected to give the Democrat response to President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address. She was even considered a possible VP for Biden.

The guy who lost big league to Lindsey Graham in 2020 was rewarded with the top spot at the DNC.

And now, example #637,043 of the Left Rewarding Failure: Governor Gretchen Whitmer whose disastrous pandemic response is rivaled only by Emmy winner Andrew Cuomo will be awarded the John F. Kennedy Foundation “Profile in Courage.”

Yeah. I know.

We’re living in clown world.

24 Comments on Whitmer to receive the JFK Library Foundation Profile in Courage Award

  1. How many Profile in Courage Awards does the JFK Library give out in a year? I read the Mitt Romney was to receive an award this year for his “courageous” vote to impeach Trump.

    Two pathetic losers to add to a long list of loser recipients.

  2. What was her actual profile in courage?

    Was it for being America’s first tranny governor???

    Sorry Kaitlyn, you can’t convince me Whitmer’s NOT a tranny!

  3. Come on man, I think he’s a wonderful candidate for the FDR reward. Reminds me how when I was a kid back in the woods of Minnesota, ah, I mean Massachusetts, we would take a fruit jar and bury treasures like marbles and pennies, you know Lincoln pennies, bottlecaps, and we would bury them out in in a yard and pretend later, like months later, that we were treasure hunters like Pirate Pete and we would go out and we would dig up the treasure and then pretend that the Mason jar was, you know, just like a treasure trunk of pirates with skeletons and stuff and one time there was a swarm of bees when I went swimming and…ah hell…

  4. I guess the communists have not yet invented the Lee Harvey Oswald cancel moderate Democrat award.
    After all, today’s left has more in common with Oswald than they do with Kennedy.

    Perhaps they can create a statue of Oswald to replace Washington or Lincoln.

    Of course it would be constructed of boogers and feces.

  5. Failure is a badge of honor with the progressive left. Since proglibtards never accept responsibility for their actions, any failure makes them by default a victim of some imaginary constructed oppressor. Victimhood is the foundation of liberalism, therefore failure – which is the result of victimhood – is to be honored and revered. Liberal logic 101.

  6. These assholes spend too much time and taxpayer dollars trying to come up with the most egregious, unfathomable lies and deceit.

    In some cases….they deserve an award for unimaginable fiction.

  7. Well, the good news is if she takes a head shot no brain matter will be spilled.

    By head shot I mean a picture of her head…that’s what that means…right?

  8. I want to know who set the record.
    Which Democrat was the single most incompetent politician, who maybe killed the most people, ruined the most lives, yet won a major award.
    Cuomo has to be in the running

  9. @ Wild Bill MAY 5, 2021 AT 8:23 PM
    “If you didn’t figure this BS out after Yasser Arafat got the Peace Prize, you never will.”
    And don’t forget the blue lipped, fly attracting, megalomaniac, commie raised, nation destroying, faggot, lying piece of Kenyan shit…———

    Ungowa Obama.

  10. Should be an award for the most innocent bedridden elders murdered during a pandemic, called the Gretchen, in the form of a huge gold-plated hypodermic needle.

    Look at her eyes – no pity, no soul – the eyes of a killer.


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