WHO Abandons Investigation into Whether Coronavirus Leaked from Wuhan Lab – IOTW Report

WHO Abandons Investigation into Whether Coronavirus Leaked from Wuhan Lab

Neon Nettle:

A World Health Organization team tasked with investigating where the coronavirus originated from has said the theory of it being leaked from a lab near Wuhan, China, wasย “unlikely.”

WHO food safety and animal diseases expert Peter Ben Embarek claimed COVID-19 was likely spread from an animal to humans.

But the WHO and China have faced global criticism for their response to the pandemic.

China initially blocked WHO investigators from entering Wuhan for months.

Investigators were only allowed into the city in mid-January of this year. read more

16 Comments on WHO Abandons Investigation into Whether Coronavirus Leaked from Wuhan Lab

  1. Biden restarted the U.S. relationship with the WHO without extracting ANY commitments from them, like changes in behavior, improved processes, legitimate open investigations.
    Biden is asshole.

  2. Hope everyone plans on sleeping good tonight, ๐Ÿคจ knowing Beijing The Fake President Biden is putting the American people in jeopardy or whoever is pulling the strings over there in the people’s house. ๐Ÿค”

    Haven’t watched news of any kind since January 6 and don’t plan on it anytime soon, because with the Lord in control we can all sleep better at night. ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™

  3. My theory is some guy in the lab who was responsible for euthanizing and incinerating the lab rats they used for testing was selling them a the wet market instead.
    I’ve been to China. I’ve seen people buying live rats for dinner.

  4. Who THE HELL Abandons Investigation into Whether Coronavirus Leaked from Wuhan Lab?

    Only a corrupt paid off globalist asshole would.

    THAT would be the W.H.O.

  5. The American on the study team was in charge of funneling money from fauchi and nih directly to that Wuhan lab so I’m sure when they didn’t even look at the lab it was super thorough


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