Who Are the Most Powerful People in America? – IOTW Report

Who Are the Most Powerful People in America?

The genius of America is that it was set up as a representative government, but increasingly, Americans are ruled over by leaders who are unelected, and very powerful. Columbia Law Professor Philip Hamburger unmasks the people who are really ruling our lives.

9 Comments on Who Are the Most Powerful People in America?

  1. MJA — I commented on this first thing this morning when you put it up…and then when I hit “post comment” the post disappeared. ??

    And it was a great comment, too!

    Here’s the important part:

    “The History and Danger of Administrative Law” Hamburger, Imprimus, 9/14


    I should have known Hamburger would be the expert on this at Prager U.

    And all those petty bureaucrats running the joint are increasingly made up of recent immigrants who sit behind bullet proof glass who can’t think beyond the ends of their noses to solve a problem. Administrative “laws”, as the article explains, are extra-constitutional and need to be reined-in and eventually eliminated.

    Whatever happened to the negative powers of gov’t?

  2. Every state legislature gets their agenda, and most pending legislation, prewritten by these para-governmental organizations. Our legislators are props. Underachieving, morally challenged puppets.

    Ever wonder why Washington state and Alabama both consider recreational marijuana or kaleidoscope gender protections at the same time?


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