Who Are the ‘Nurses’ In the Viral Counter-Protest Photos? – IOTW Report

Who Are the ‘Nurses’ In the Viral Counter-Protest Photos?

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

16 Comments on Who Are the ‘Nurses’ In the Viral Counter-Protest Photos?

  1. @seaoh – good pick up, I saw the shenanigins as well. I tell my crew and friends, be weary of the fake, phony, frauds, they are desperate and at their wits end.

    I have seen pics of them with arms folded in ‘defiance’ mode.

    Keep posting the goods.

  2. They certainly have a right to conduct a peaceful protest, but to stand in the middle of the road, blocking traffic, is criminal. I say run them over. Of course I’m not suggesting you hit them at 50 mph – violence is not the answer, and it certainly damage your bumper. But a slow, steady “push” out of the way will certainly make them reevaluate their choice of protest venues.

  3. Peter Boyles on 710 knus Denver is all over this. Julie Hayden of the Chuck and Julie show.com has identified the guy for sure and probably the gal….

    The fake male nurse is a known antifa member and a DJ at a strip club a little north of Denver. The fake female nurse probably works at that same club, but isn’t positively identified yet. I’m guessing she doesn’t wear scrubs on the dance pole…LOL….

    Julie Hayden is a solid, honest investigative journalist with years of experience. Check out Peter and Julie’s podcasts on this. It was all a set up with the photographer and video guy in on it as well….Peter Boyles 5-9 am MST…Chuck and Julie are on M-W-F 2-3 pm (I think)….

    I’m only a fan. I’m not advertising for them….

  4. These frauds are literal “Crisis Actors”. Remember when all the doctors came to the WH to hear Barky’s plans for Obamacare, and he made them wear white lab coats so they’d look doctorly in the photo op? For a party that loathes the military, the Dems sure do have a uniform fetish.

  5. Several points here, for starters I’m sick of hearing on the front lines. I’ll just repeat what a friend of mine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan said, “I don’t care if you’re a nurse, a doctor, a politician, a governor or the President of the United States, quit diminishing what being on the front line truly means. It is an insult to those 18 to 20 year olds that probably still hate me today for being so tough on them. I was tough on them because I didn’t want to tell their parents I was sending their body parts home. Those boys were on the true front line. Going into diseased ravaged countries knowing we might catch diseases that could kill us was a walk in the park to being on the front lines of war.”
    Second, we are getting close to a communist country. We’re being jailed for speaking out, going to a park, opening our businesses and we have brown shirts reporting us for not falling in line. Yes, we’re not disappearing yet or facing a firing squad, but if you look at how quick we went from living our lives and running our businesses to being jailed and fined for running our businesses it could come just as quickly.

    As for the nurses now people in scrubs, there was a video on GP of one of these nurses aka people in scrubs who was caught doing a photo op. They’re also all over social media, the come into groups and lecture about people dying and how they’re watching all these people die and we’re risking their lives. If we get sick we have no right to come risk their lives or their families’ lives and we should not be allowed care. There’s always hundreds in their care, more than they can care for. Yet, when you start asking them where they work, they can’t tell you that. When spouses, parents and siblings say my spouse, child or sibling works at X hospital and they say there is nothing like that going on. The hospital is eerily empty with just a few patients. They volunteered to work on the COVID wing just so they wouldn’t be furloughed and are told they’re having to furlough some of them as well. They soon disappear. Because I seem to have became a stalker during all of this, I have stalked many of these people through their social media contacts and have learned the vast majority are not healthcare workers, one lady was a 30 year old on disability for having bi-polar. She had even seemingly proudly showed a picture of her confirmation letter detailing her back payment she would receive. I found a few who did work in the medical field, one was a receptionist at a doctor’s office and another was employed in medical billing. Only one have I been able to confirm was a nurse, but she was a nurse in a Pediatrician’s office and had been employed there for 20 years, so for 20 years she had checked weight, temperature, and administer shots.

  6. USCMC of Charleston……

    I heard it was nearly empty…..

    and over 900 employees laid off…..

    because there’s only WuHan Coronavirus procedures going on…..

    as “non-essential “ procedures are banned.

  7. I hesitate to say it, but this whole CoronaCrap is beginning to fail the smell test.

    If the NWO planners push this control too long, they’re going to expose themselves and the scheme.

    This is becoming less and less about health and more and more about politics and tyranny.

  8. This pandemic hoax has produced pandemic hoaxers who are in reality leftists supporters of the State.
    Really, hate this idol worship of health care workers. It just seems very much like socialism.
    The real heros are people protesting and demanding to go back to work and school, despite the commie virus restrictions.
    BTW, Excellent comments, Old Racist White Woman. I totally agree.


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