WHO are you to threaten us? – IOTW Report

WHO are you to threaten us?

Patriot Retort:

There’s a Doctor (not a medical doctor) with a weird name I can’t pronounce.  So I’ll just call him Baba O’Reiley.  He’s the guy in charge of the WHO.

And thanks to him, the WHO spends Much Too Much time playing propagandist for China.

Thanks to him, the rest of the world initially believed that this Wuhan Virus did not pose a threat to humans. more

20 Comments on WHO are you to threaten us?

  1. The WHO would already be notified that they will receive no more funding from the US. Ohhh, one more thing, you’ve got two weeks to vacate your offices. Now get out of here you fucking BASTARDS!!

  2. I really hope Trump does not change his mind.
    These pigs and the UN are responsible for so much corruption, death and negligence.
    UN food for sex slavery in Africa.
    Ignoring Christians being killed.

  3. “I can tell you we Won’t Get Fooled Again. Not by you and not by your master’s in China.”

    No, “WE” won’t be fooled again, but Fauci and Brix will still toe the line the next time. They have just greased the rails. If we don’t get this stopped now, next fall when the flu hits, we will be shut down again. They will expect us to just take it because we have.

  4. Tedros has aided and abetted China in its biological weapons attack on the world, with their synthetic virus. String him up, along with any others even remotely involved. Tedros is a war criminal, try him and hang him!

  5. @Tsunami – from your article link: “…Sen. Bill Cassidy, Louisiana Republican, has pitched the idea of an immunity registry to document people no longer believed to be at risk of infection…”

    Any governmental registry should be opposed with every fiber of our body, no matter how benign and beneficial it may seem to be. The federal government is not your friend, so you want to limit what they know about you – no matter how squeaky clean your life may be.

  6. Make that nappy-headed creepster persona non grata in the US and kill funding to the WHO. Then we’ll watch him stumbling along for a few weeks before resigning.

    Warning: we may get someone as bad, or heaven forbid, even worse than that shit-shoe.


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