Who Did You Vote for? Drudge Reader Poll Chooses Trump for President; Sanders Comes in Second, Cruz Third – IOTW Report

Who Did You Vote for? Drudge Reader Poll Chooses Trump for President; Sanders Comes in Second, Cruz Third

Just something interesting to start off your day: as most of you probably saw, the Drudge Report had a big poll yesterday asking its readers to choose their top choice for President.

With over 1,000,000 votes cast, Mr. Donald Trump came in first. Second? Bernie Sanders, with 340,387 votes and almost a third of the total votes cast.
cruz trump birther issue
Ted Cruz got almost 20%, with everyone else lagging far, far behind.

Did you vote? Who did you vote for, if you did?

43 Comments on Who Did You Vote for? Drudge Reader Poll Chooses Trump for President; Sanders Comes in Second, Cruz Third

  1. I saw the poll but didn’t bother with it. Figured it’d be bombed by leftists who’d pump both Sanders and Trump at Cruz’ expense. Whether it was deliberately skewed or is reflecting what people at this moment actually think, I give up.

  2. No vote here boss.
    I don’t respond to telephone polls either.

    I have shared the venom of betrayal with the NRCC and RNC verbally and in writing (for what its worth — 0—, but I got it off my chest).

  3. I think the libs learned about the poll and then stuffed the ballot box. With a couple hundred thousand votes cast it was Trump and Cruz by a wide margin. Sanders was not a factor. I voted Truz.

  4. The meme of the day for the establishment is to paint Trump as
    “authoritarian” or “king” or some kind of fascist who “wants to make the trains run on time.”

    When you contrast Trump with Hitler it’s obvious that they are polar opposites. Hitler wanted to confiscate guns from the people. Trump supports the second amendment unconditionally. Hitler wanted to control the people with a national police force answerable to him. Trump supports local police answerable to the people. Hitler turned the government against a group Hitler hated. Trump wants the government to protect its people from those who live to hate and destroy us.

    Is Trump the best candidate for president ever? No but he’s the guy who speaks for me and has the best chance of winning.

    Watch for the Hitler charges and notice that they never compare positions head to head because if they did, the Hitler positions align most closely with the government we have.

  5. The left wing and the right wing are part of the same bird.

    Trump is a different bird altogether. What kind, I’m not sure. He may be a Phoenix, rising from the ashes to start anew.

    I voted Trump.

  6. I voted for Cruz. Trump appeals to me the same way my first wife did: I knew she was probably a bad idea, but certain things about her had an irresistible pull. I will vote for either one in the general election but if our side wins and maintains both houses of Congress, and this results in further betrayals to conservatives, there will be Hell to pay. If we make it that far.

  7. i voted. And only voted once. For Trump. But i noted on Breitbart that many people were accusing trump supporters of voting more than once and flooding the results. sigh. I cant believe the ignorance of people with that mindset. To think that the same accusation would not apply to Cruz or bush voters was unrealistic. It would be the same across the board. Human nature would reflect that every candidate would have the equal amounts of people voting more than once.

  8. Same here too. I figured the poll would be skewered in some shape or form. For Sanders to be that high on a right of center news feed, I have no doubts the regressive Sanderistas were told to go there and vote.

  9. Big Drudge polls have been EXTREMELY ACCURATE. What are the ANTI-TRUMP Conservatives going to do after he gets the NOD in a LANDSLIDE? Are they going to go all Emily Litella on us and say “Never Mind”, sit on their asses with their vote or actively campaign for Hillary or Bernie?
    In the end – they are HELPING THE TRUE MENACE of America – Hillary/Bernie!
    YOU’RE NOT HELPING with the “IT’S MY GUY” or I go home and CRY!

  10. Well said, Pinko.

    To add to that, if Sanders wins the primary, he will pick Hillary as his running mate in order to rally the base. Clinton will do the same, then it’s mass voter fraud time in Ohio and Florida in order to get the dems to keep the White House.

    If too many people on our side stay home and not vote…..WE WILL LOSE.

  11. Yep. If it isn’t
    “He’s a dictator!”, it’s
    “He’s in bed with the GOP Establishment!” AND
    “He’s not conservative enough!”

    Losers gonna lose.

  12. to DBF: Unlikely.
    If Sanders WERE to win (I doubt it),
    it would be because Hillary’s negatives
    (small details like indictment,
    or at least the scandals
    that OUGHT to lead to indictment),
    she would be too much of an albatross.

    Then, more likely Fauxcahontas as VP or
    MORE LIKELY a SURPRISE last minute
    Dem Presidential candidate like
    SloJoe or the such.

  13. Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote.

    I follow the leftie sites, and Sanders is the new Ron Paul. His online followers are like rabid dogs when he is dissed and they flood the sites or commentators with angry cut and paste rebukes.

    I think when it comes to election day, they’ll be to high to remember to vote, but they don’t miss an online opportunity!

  14. Trump.
    I like to think I’m a realist, and Trump has the best chance against the cheating Dems, who will try anything to drag one of their own across the finish line.
    Trump has momentum.
    Clinton’s and Sanders’ “appeal” notwithstanding, a lot of Dems are liking Trump, too.

  15. I voted for Trump! I am sick of this NANNY TOTALITARIANISM©!!! You losers in D.C. do not know what’s best for me and my beautiful family! I expect those nanny attempts from the left but I hate how the GOPee/RINO bastards have betrayed us and abused their power for their own selish gains. They have all sat on their spineless, squishy asses and are complicit to what Obama and his ilk have done. Trump is conservative enough to WIN. Rich Lowry and Glenn Beck are gonna tell me who to vote for? I don’t f’ing think so. I voted for Trump because my vote for Trump represents three things for me personally:

    1) It’s my double middle fingers aimed right at the establishment, Democrats and RINO Republicans. And the entire liberal/RINO media complex.

    2) My B.A. accentuated with a rancid Bronx Cheer aimed right at the establishment, Democrats and RINO Republicans. And the entire liberal/RINO media complex.

    3) And screaming F*€K YOU aimed right at the establishment, Democrats and RINO Republicans. And of course, the entire liberal/RINO media complex.

    TRUMP/CRUZ 2016! SPARTA!!!!!!!!

  16. I voted for Trump. The more the media, democrats, and other republicans bash him, the more appeal he has to me. If Cruz is the nominee, I’ll vote for him. The RNC is probably going to try to screw us again by having a brokered convention and pushing some unsupported establishment puke as the candidate. I think that’s why so many candidates who are polling in the single digits are still in the race. The populist appeal of Trump may be the only thing that can overcome that.

  17. Trump appeals to me at a gut level and so in my own insignifican digitus impudicus at the political establishment I voted for him in the Drudge poll (which is after all without much significance).

    But Cruz has been much more consistently taking positions that I like on many issues; Trump has not.

    I’m likely to vote this time, if for no other reason damage control. That means although I prefer Cruz I’ll vote for whichever one of the two seems to have the best shot.

    I would not be able to bring myself to vote for any of the other Rep candidates, so if neither T nor C wins the primary I plan to make up for that by spending the November election day driving around Dem strongholds in a stolen car running over voters before they have a chance to cast a ballot.

  18. Trump.

    Conservative members of Congress campaigned a certain way yet still gave the Nation’s purse to the libs.

    And yes, though I’m not comparing one to another, I am concerned that a similar sentiment gave rise to Adolf.

  19. Trump – We need someone outside the political circle of dollars, who has no need of those dollars, and who actually hears the voices of “we the people” instead of the demands of those doling out dollars.

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