WHO director shies away from pushing passports for shots that do ‘not prevent COVID’ – IOTW Report

WHO director shies away from pushing passports for shots that do ‘not prevent COVID’

ROME (LifeSiteNews) – World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom told Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro that the WHO is “not recommending” vaccine passports or lockdowns “for now,” and that the vaccines do “not prevent COVID.”

At the 2021 G20 Summit in Rome on October 30-31, President Bolsonaro and WHO Director Adhanom discussed the state of COVID vaccinations, vaccine passports, the economic costs of lockdowns and other issues pertaining to the world’s response to the declared COVID-19 pandemic.

Their discussion was recorded, and Adhanom spoke English while Bolsonaro communicated with the Ethiopian public-health czar through an interpreter. Bolsonaro began the discussion by asking the Adhanom about the effect of COVID restrictions, including lockdowns, on the economy, and if there was any “prior consideration” by the WHO regarding the implementation of these measures. read more

7 Comments on WHO director shies away from pushing passports for shots that do ‘not prevent COVID’

  1. President Bolsonaro asked Adhanom about the origin of the virus, Adhanom laughed and said, “We are still studying it.”

    Bolsonaro has been called a COVID “skeptic” for the stances that he has taken regarding the virus that have gone against the mainstream narrative. And has taken a strong stance against vaccine passports, telling a radio station that for him “freedom comes before everything else. If a citizen doesn’t want to get vaccinated, that’s his right and that’s the end of it.”

  2. WHO Director Bolsonaro just put the first nail in the Covid narrative coffin. Now maybe we can stop with the Covid virtue signaling fear mongering and focus on getting the world back on track.


  3. It may come to pass that those who have a propensity to ignore history will have their pig headedness driven home by this Goddamned Covid hysteria. The long and short of it is: One either understands history, or they trust the government. You simply cannot do both.

    The risks that the “vaccine” presents so outweigh the benefit for anyone who is not high risk from dying from Covid that it is becoming impossible for it to be covered up.

    This guy seems to understand this.


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