WHO Director Was Formally “Foreign Minister” for Tier III Terrorist Organization – IOTW Report

WHO Director Was Formally “Foreign Minister” for Tier III Terrorist Organization

DanBongino.com: Yesterday, we reported on YouTube’s draconian policy of removing any videos critical of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its role, especially of its director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in covering up China’s malfeasance in the spread of the coronavirus.

Now, more has come to light about Dr. Tedros, and it isn’t good.

7 Comments on WHO Director Was Formally “Foreign Minister” for Tier III Terrorist Organization

  1. We need an executive order from Trump immediately banning the hydroxychloroqhine drug from all states with high death rates from the virus, lest they be tempted to use it.
    It should be sent to republican states for safekeeping.

    And states like new york that have a high number of deaths shouldn’t be opened for 12-18 months until there is a vaccine.

    Nancy Pelosi is praying for us and we need to be kind and lock them in their houses indefinitely in new york like the science leads.

  2. Boy, China sure knows how to pick ’em, don’t they??
    Putting a totally unqualified third rate terrorist from an African shit-hole in charge of a world health organization to be their obedient puppet directing the show when they launch a worldwide weaponized virus is a pretty slick chess move that says a LOT! Thankfully it’s not checkmate yet because people are waking up to the fact that they’ve been had. The upside to all this is watching those who line up on the side of China, their Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media, democRATz and Socialism and those who support the American way, Common Sense and our President who simply want to get back to work!
    President Trump, please do not reinstate funding to this corrupt organization!


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