Who has Absolute Health Care Moral Authority? – IOTW Report

Who has Absolute Health Care Moral Authority?

Michelle Malkin: 

Here is what happens if you try to tell health care stories that defy big government orthodoxy:

When GOP Congressman Rodney Davis of Illinois tried to recount how his wife, a nurse and colon cancer survivor, struggled in the nationalized Canadian health care system, liberal protesters responded by uttering “Ugh!” and catcalling him.

When GOP Rep. Tom MacArthur of New Jersey attempted to tell a rowdy town hall audience about health policy insights he gained caring for his special needs daughter, Gracie, who passed away at age 11, he was booed. And jeered. Rude pigs yelled “Shame!” at the insurance executive turned public servant as he talked about his daughter’s legacy.

When GOP Rep. David Kustoff of Tennessee wrapped up a meeting with agricultural educators in his district this week, a woman stalked him and an aide — reportedly, nearly driving them off a road. According to the sheriff’s department, the stalker approached Rep. Kustoff’s car, “screaming, “striking the windows,” “cursing” and blocking the vehicle, according to police.


After GOP Rep. Martha McSally of Arizona voted for the House Obamacare repeal plan, an unhinged Tucson public school employee left voice messages on her congressional office phone line threatening to “wring” her neck and “pull the trigger” to shoot her between the eyes.

When I countered late-night joker Jimmy Kimmel’s Obamacare-cheerleading monologue tied to his newborn child’s chronic illness with my own experience as a mother of a chronically ill child, left-wing readers called me an “insensitive b—-” “mean-spirited” and “twisted.”

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5 Comments on Who has Absolute Health Care Moral Authority?

  1. I suspect in Kimmel’s and a lot of others they get to have a gold plan, best as you can get, money is no object, everything is covered plan where you don’t have to worry about anything. Where you can walk into the ER in a LA County hospital and if you don’t immediately go to the head of the line for the sniffles you get a way better room to wait in then where the peons wait. This was true even before ObamaCare made the whole process worse.

    In regards to the shrill and violent way of protesting the liberal/progressive’s use in opposing anyone who critiques ObamaCare it’s primarily because ObamaCare is the cornerstone of his Presidency as well as the liberal/progressive movement and if the President or the Congress chimps could come up with a way that reduces costs (Tort Reform, opening 24 hour small clinics in ER’s, etc) which makes cheaper and good health insurance more widely available while keeping the air of free enterprise within the system and not turning into into another “right” it would tend to cut the legs out from under the entire progressive movement.

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