Who is behind the Cuomo Hit Job? – IOTW Report

Who is behind the Cuomo Hit Job?

Patriot Retort:

The about-face on Andrew Cuomo was so sudden and jarring, I fear most Americans might be suffering from whiplash. We went from hagiography to hit job in no time flat.

Makes me wonder who or what prompted such a sudden shift in gears.

The media and the Democrats never act out of decency or a moral sense of right an wrong. And they never, ever turn on their own – even if he sleeps with a Chinese spy. So there must be some ulterior motive behind this coordinated hit job against the hitherto-dubbed “LuvGov.”

The floodgates were opened by Cuomo’s fellow NY Democrat, Attorney General Letitia James.

I live in New York. Believe me. Democrats in New York do not take shots at fellow Democrats – let alone take aim at King Andrew.

When Letitia James first released her report on Cuomo’s nursing home disaster, I posited that James could be preparing to primary Cuomo in 2022. Yes, that means the Attorney General was using her office to launch a political hit job to weaken a future opponent. But Democrats have done worse to harm their political enemies – like use the FBI and CIA to spy on them.

I still believe Letitia James’ motives weren’t purely about seeking justice for the families of those who died. If that was the case, I think Letitia would’ve jumped on this back in April 2020 when Cuomo’s nursing home order and it’s deadly results were first reported.

No. Her timing is, shall we say, suspect.

But this coordinated Cuomo hit job goes far beyond Tish’s own political ambitions. more

34 Comments on Who is behind the Cuomo Hit Job?

  1. “And they never, ever turn on their own – even if he sleeps with a Chinese spy. ”

    They’ll do it in a heartbeat if it will work to further their agenda without having a negative effect on their long term plans.

    One of those “No honor among thieves” sort of things.

    So when you see it happen, just start thinking about what agenda or part of the agenda it is serving for them to do it.

  2. I remember when during a certain Democrat primary, a certain Democrat woman who is now VP, criticized a certain former Democrat VP in a public Democrat debate where she mentioned his family corruption, his proclivity for sexual harassment and his history of racism in that Democrat debate. Granted, he was the party favorite and was protected by the deep state but at least she gave it the old college try. Just to show how corrupt the Democrat party really is, they rewarded her with the number two Democrat position.

  3. I’ve been wondering this myself. It’s possible that’s there’s worse to come in this story, and the D’s are trying to get ahead of it, knowing that they can’t stop it so they’ll act like they were leading the charge all along. It could also be personal, and Cuomo pissed off someone(s) who don’t appreciate being disrespected, and this is the payback (probably as a message to others to toe the line and know thy place).

  4. Cuomo got hit with a Reverse Biden. I think it was Barky’s people behind it, such as ValJar. Remember how the media was talking about Hero Cuomo jumping in to save the day at the Dem convention, as Biden doddered and faltered? I don’t think that sat too well with Barky’s crew. The election fraud fix was in already, and there was no way they were going to let Cuomo waltz in and mess up their plan.

    Biden had obviously been picked out of the crowd of mediocrities in 2019, and Trump saw that immediately. That’s why they went after him hammer and tong with the first impeachment. And once they got Joe the lead in the primary, then shut down everybodys’ campaigns with the covid, Biden was on autopilot to the nomination. Then mobster dullard Cuomo tried to bigfoot the plan. That was a no-no.

    Now, they’re making sure that Cuomo is never viable for the Presidency again, just like they’re trying to do with Trump.Cuomo’s big mistakes were believing his good press and not knowing his place. He may survive as Governor, but he’ll never run for President.

  5. I can’t tell you who is BEHIND the Andrew Cuomo hit job BUTT I can tell you that right now, my Petey B is BEHIND my unbleached elastic starfish!

  6. Initially I thought it was a staffer that was being honest and felt what happened was wrong. I did find it odd that the media jumped on it immediately and were ready to go from praise and making him a God. I was suspicious, especially after finding out it was the AG. It is planned.

  7. @Thirdtwin: “…I think it was Barky’s people behind it, such as ValJar.”
    valerie jarret is an iranian anchor baby

    as far as the cuomo thing, it is most likely the clinton, obama/biden and pelosi crime families.
    the new syndicate

  8. In the new globalist view, Cuomo’s machine politics are as antique as Biden’s phonograph. The supreme council of Davos chooses winners and calls the losers. Bye Andrew, it’s been real.

  9. This is an orchestrated and choreographed hit that was ordered by the Chicago Democrat machine that runs the Party at this point. The media was ready to go when it broke and Democrats are each playing their assigned part. The Sunday shows are going to be one Democrat after another feigning shock so transparently insincere that would make Captain Renault blush.

    The bastard and everyone who has defended or offered apologetic for the son of a bitch should be broken on a Catherine wheel. Not one son of a bitch who has defended this was unaware of the consequences of knowingly allowing anyone with any infectious upper respiratory disease anywhere near any elderly person, or person whose health is already such that they need convalescent care, much less stampeding them fucking nursing homes.

    This was wanton, gratuitous, systematic mass slaughter and nobody with any power of reason can make a tenable case that the consequences were not known up front.

  10. The operation of this composition of the former sovereign country of the usa must not be “understood”. The pretenders believe they are in total control, your compliance is necessary for your survival. Pretenders pretend, they survive like roaches. Pride filled beasts like Cuomo are alot of unsavory things, just not pretenders. Someone once said to know him know his friends…

  11. Read Ezekiel Emanuel’s brother’s writings regarding the value of the life of older people and understand that he is one of the key architects of the Democrat agenda and you will then comprehend the contemptuous and cavalier attitude the Democrat Party has for human life. You still will not understand it unless you have accepted that they serve Satan, but at least you will comprehend that despite their continuous and everlasting virtue signaling they have absolutely no regard for innocent human life.

  12. @ Chickity China the Chinese Chicken FEBRUARY 21, 2021 AT 10:32 AM

    When it serves Democrats interest they will tell the truth, but not in the interest in doing what is morally right, only because it serves to advance their agenda. So, yes, in this instance telling the truth is a “hit job.”

    The progressive movement is a parallel Universe where situational ethics and moral relativity mirror Christian morality on the surface but when you actually look below the surface are polar opposites.

    Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” The progressive movement has made it their business to trot out one absurdly after another and demand, under threat of being “cancelled” that people believe them. If you doubt they haven’t already been able to capitalize on this by sending their true believers out to commit atrocities you just haven’t been paying attention.

    What you have seen this last year is them just leaving the starting gate. There is absolutely no limit to the depravity in their heart, they are Satan’s foot soldiers and the sooner the general population recognize them for what they truly are the sooner there will be a proper response to it.

  13. “There are five more Democrat Governors who are just as guilty.”

    True, JDHasty, but none of the others were threats to the Estabs’ Presidential scheme. The closest any of the others came was Whitler being touted as a potential Biden VP. But she’s a woman, under Hillary’s wing and Governor of a fraud swing state they needed to steal the election, so she’ll emerge unscathed.

    They tried to project Cuomo’s homicidal failures onto DeSantis, but it backfired massively. Now it’s time for him to be the scapegoat and take all the heat for the other murderous Dem Governors. I can’t wait to see how Fredo deals with this when CNN jumps into the attack woth both feet.

  14. Gov. Newsom came into office with a team dedicated to the 2024 presidential election.
    That is not a very well kept secret here in the state capitol.
    The voters will recall Newson, and, most likely, be replaced.
    He’s lost the McClatchy Bee franchise, and the LA Times isn’t happy.
    Good-bye 2024.

    Dianny’s piece on Cuomo brought the left coast piece of this to mind.

  15. Cuomo is a fucking cunt of the first order. Stands to reason his only enemies aren’t just conservatives. The Medicare death rates in NY in April 2020 were horrendous (4x normal) while those in some surrounding states were just a blip. It was clear that state policy caused the deaths; not Truuuuuuummmp who actually supplied extra resources to NY that those cunts Cuomo and DiBlasio intentionally refused to use.


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