Who Is Ebola? The President of Africa, I Think – IOTW Report

Who Is Ebola? The President of Africa, I Think


This isn’t even funny (well, a little bit). The most ‘plugged in’ society doesn’t know “who” Ebola is. Some think a music star and others think the President of Africa.

Sigh, what have we done?

See the Tweets on Twitchy here.


24 Comments on Who Is Ebola? The President of Africa, I Think

  1. Well, it’s like this. When people like “guess who bitch SWAG” were getting condom lessons via Joycelyn Elders’ plan, I was reading from cover to cover Garrett’s and Preston’s tomes cover to cover. And was sufficiently impressed that ebola never make it here, or any other densely populated area. Oops. Right Preezy?

    It’s posts like this that put me back on the fence about the conflict between technology improving our lives as a whole, and the efficacy of natural selection that has been artificially hindered.

  2. I don’t do twitter. So I must admit I’m confused when I try to read one of these waterfall tweet sites like the link have.

    They read as nonsensical to me with most serving only to show me who has responded to the topic. I can’t tell if they are for it, against it, indifferent, or just stupid.

    Possibly I’m ignorant of the posting format. If so, bad on me. But if I were to format information for my peers at work in such a way I would be beaten for being deliberately obscure.

  3. Thank you Rosalind.

    Does twitter arbitrarily strip out punctuation? Or does English no longer require question marks when posing an interrogative

    maybe i can do twitter

    da fuk what

    who be ebloa he know usher

    mebe he be relation

  4. Ebola was the featured singer on the Titanic and Ben Ghazi was the dude on lookout when the ship hit glacier parts floating in the ocean because of Carbon foot prints.

    Remember, on the 100th anniversary of the sinking, this same crowd got all confused because it was a new movie with De Cappuccino, not a huge real life disaster.

  5. Unfortunately, these are the usual Democratic votors that voted for Obama in the last election. They haven’t got a f’n clue. As long as they got their “Obamaphone”, they are happy as pigs in sh*t

  6. Huh! I remember it well! Back in dubya dubya too, the Big One (not to be confuted with the Great One) I was called by ole “Blood and Guts” Patton, then Rarefied High Admiral of All the Domains, and ordered to capture the town of San Trapistan Ebola from the enema. Well, I can tell you, mister, they was dug in like ticks on a coon dog, and twicet as mean! I called in a raid of He-111s armed with atomic bombs and turned that mountain to dust! Dust, I tell ya!

    Ole “Blood in Guts” was mad as Hell, cuz he needed that port for his aircraft carriers.

    Ebola … yep, Ebola … I’ll never forget that hellhole.

  7. Lowell, Twitter doesn’t strip out punctuation. Users do in order to more efficiently make use of the 140 character limit. Some times it works. A lot of the time (especially in celebrity culture circles) it is a clear demonstration of common-core like standards that began gaining a foothold in sphere of English and grammar studies sometime in the early 90s/late 80s (JMO).

    There are a few other Twitter specific items. Links/URLs are shortened with services like bit.ly, ow.ly, tinyURL and t.co, which can be tricky because if you aren’t careful of whom you’re following may lead you to a spammy or phishing link that asks to have you sign back into Twitter. Run away! The latter is a built-in shortening service on Twitter itself. Another is twitlonger; a service that provides a link to your soap box statement that is longer than the noted character limit. These are all free.

    It can be a lot of fun. It also is pretty time consuming. I’ve gotten into the groove only a few times and the hours just flew. I think it’s the love child of tech, ADD, humor and the cutting edge of news at its best. Worst is exemplified by what prompted this post.

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