Who is going to hold them accountable? You may not like the answer, but it’s “us” – IOTW Report

Who is going to hold them accountable? You may not like the answer, but it’s “us”

James O’Keefe says he is in contact with two whistleblowers inside federal agencies who will ‘record everything.’

17 Comments on Who is going to hold them accountable? You may not like the answer, but it’s “us”

  1. There is tons of evidence of election theft and other crimes but if no one does anything it’s useless.
    The media don’t care.
    Even if there are congressional hearings they do nothing. Look at the criminals walking free now.

  2. Us? You mean the half of the country who have been hollering since early November to have a seat at the table asking to be heard and taken somewhat seriously. The ones that have been ignored and called conspiracy theorists and told the actual evidence caught on video and vote tallies isn’t there. That us? Who are we supposed to report to? Form little clubs to keep ourselves informed and happy? This shit is FUBAR.

  3. I don’t disagree with the sentiments but what does he think we’ve been trying to do all these years?
    To expose the corruption to a large enough segment of the population we need an open path which is the missing element.
    Start there!

  4. -So far, nothing of any real significance has come from O’Keefe’s work.-

    Why? Because no one’s been arrested?
    He’s one of the few people exposing the left. He’s been confirming things we’ve suspected. Don’t shit all over someone’s work. What have you been doing except being smug online?

  5. nothing means shit anymore except raw power.

    to think we can ever ‘persuade’, ‘influence’, or vote or way into leadership anymore is just so delusional it is hard to describe.

  6. After the blatant fraud, coercion, and collusion with the media, it is fairly obvious that the left doesn’t give a rat’s ass about being exposed.
    They’re safely ensconced above the law.


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